Chapter Three

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Cali had a wonderful time during her pregnancy.  She's nearing her due date and she can't wait to see her baby.  She wanted the gender to be surprise.

She was walking on the aisle of supermarket to buy her groceries and baby necessities.  She was pushing a grocery cart while rubbing her swollen stomach. She smiled as she felt the baby kick. 

They said pregnant woman are emotional so is she. She can't help but to cry whenever she thinks about Luke.  How her baby will grow up without a father.  She didn't try to contact Luke again after that unfortunate phonecall.  He's moving on and she won't jeopardize that.  He was a victim of Dan and Rose, also to her irrational revenge.

She was just glad that she has the memory of Luke forever with her and she'll cherish this baby.

She was about to pick up a milk when someone called her.


She turned around and found Luke's mom, Adella Alejandro.


Adella slapped her.

"You! I should have follow my instinct that you're no good for my son."

Gemma suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stand between her mother and me.

"Mom! Stop it! Don't make a scene here! Let's go.'' Gemma forced her mother away from her and she said, "I am sorry.'

"Why would you say sorry to that bitch!?  He ruined my son, your brother's life! And now? She's pregnant with another man's child! What a pathetic kind of woman!"

"I am sorry, Mom..." That's all Cali can say.

"Don't call me 'Mom'. I don't ever want to see you again." Adella walked away.

Cali held the handle of the push cart tightly.  There's a pain in her lower abdomen.

'Oh my.  Please baby held tight.  It's not yet time.'

Cali started to sweat like crazy and the pain is getting stronger.

"Cali, we need to talk....." Gemma said then rushed to her side when she saw Cali's pained face. "Are you okay?"

"I think the baby wants to come out." Cali closed her eyes as she felt the contraction hit her. " hurts."

"OMG.. OMG. We need to get you to the hospital.  Now."

The ride to the hospital was full of screaming and sweating.  When they arrived in the hospital, Cali was brought immediately to delivery room as she's already 7cm dilated.

"God.  This is awful.  I never thought giving birth is too hard!" Cali said as she held Gemma's hands.

After 7 hours of labor, a healthy baby boy was welcome to the world, screaming out his lungs.  Cali cried with happiness.  Her body was in pain but the moment she held her baby boy, it's gone.  All she felt is relieve and joy.

The nurses cleaned up the baby and she was transferred to the regular room.  Gemma was with her all the time and Cali was glad.  She was with one of Luke's family when she delivered their son.

The nurse taught her to breastfeed and her baby is sleeping soundly in her chest.

"Thank you, Gem.  Thank you for being here.  It means a lot to me."

Cali looked at Gemma and smiled sincerely.  Gemma smiled back and can't take her eyes off with the baby.

"He looks like his father so much."

"Yes.  He is and I am so glad." Cali said without thinking.

"He looks like Luke so much."

Cali's smile slowly fades.


"Did you tell Luke that he's going to be a father?"

Cali wanted to rebuff and deny that this kid is not Luke's but the looks are uncanny.  This baby looks like Luke which is so unfair since I am the one who carried this baby boy for nine months.

Cali sighed before she answered.

"I did. Remember when I got his number from you? I called him but someone named Millie got my answer.  Who's Millie?"

Gemma knew that Cali will be hurt once she knew who's Millie in her brother's life.  She knew the story between the two.  She refused to believe that Cali didn't harbor any feelings for her brother.

"Millie is Luke's fiancee.  Remembered that Dad arranged Luke's marriage before you meet him? The one he broke it off for you, he agreed to go through the marriage.  The wedding will be on June."

'That is six months from now.'  Cali bitterly smile.

"That's the reason I didn't try to contact him again.  He's moving on and I don't want to show my face to ruin everything for him.  I couldn't face him, Gem.  I hurt him too much."

Gemma understood Cali's logic but she believed Luke has the right to know about his son.

"Yes.  I know that but Luke has the right to know that he is fathering a son.  I begged you Cali.  Tell him."

"Gemma...Your brother hated me.  He despised me for hurting him.  I'm scared he'll reject my son because I am his mother." Cali voiced out her fears. "I can accept the hate and anger of your brother but..."

"You're judging him.  You know how much Luke wanted a football team with you, right?"

"That was before I hurt him!". Cali said exasperatedly.

"Cali...I understand your fears. But please do this for the baby. He mostly deserve to have a father."


"How about we call him now and if he answered, you'll tell him and if not, I won't force you and I won't tell a soul about the baby.  I'll let you do it on your own way."

Cali hesitated but gave in eventually.

Gemma called Luke's number.

It rang for 5 times before it went to a voicemail.

"Hi, brother.  I really wished you answer this call.  Due to this, you missed something very important." Gemma ended the voicemail.

Cali didn't know what to feel.

"You win, Cali.  I won't interfere anymore and I'll let you do it on your way.  I just think you're making the biggest mistake by not telling Luke about the baby. Just let me see and visit my nephew, okay?"

"Of course, Gemma.  I am truly grateful to you."

"What will you name him?"

"Lukas Sebastian Alejandro."

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