Chapter 2: Discovering

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*Hi guys, Happy Easter! I'm bored at home so here's another chapter, cuz why not? Remember to vote and share. ❣️*

Erza Scarlet's POV

Scene: Inside the guild hall.

I overheard some of Lucy's conversation with Mira, couldn't really help it. I know how tired she must be after that job we took.
My body just reacted to how she says she was so tired, I couldn't help myself.
I'm clearly not good at it, judging by her brash reaction.
I walked away, kind of ashamed. Maybe I should of elaborated on the apology? I'm such a fool. I thought to myself while walking towards the quest board.
I should take up on her offer about the massage thing, could be of use. We can spend some more time together and-
What is going on with me? I never think of Lucy like that. We're comrades, for goodness sakes.
I shake the thought off my head and continue staring at the flyers up on the board, when suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey Erza, I um... wanted to apologize again for my reaction earlier. I hope I didn't make you feel bad." Lucy says while tucking her hair behind her ear. She's kind of blushing.
"Oh, well it's okay! I should've asked first before, not just do something like that. It's my fault." I answer back. Why did I sound so desperate?
"The offer still stands, though. If you want to come over tonight, I mean if that's fine with you. I don't know if you have the time." Lucy asks me, her tone sounded friendly and supportive.
"Sure, I'll be there." I try to sound casual. Hopefully I did.
Lucy then turns around and goes over to Natsu's and Gray's table.
I find myself blushing.
Erza, control yourself. This is not how you should behave. You have Jellal, who has always loved you. This is not okay.
I try telling myself that, but it doesn't really work anymore. It's inevitable.
I try to convince myself to not show up to Lucy's, come up with any excuse all day long.
Yet here I am, standing in her doorway.

I wonder what this night will bring me.

Lucy's POV:
Scene: in the kitchen, wearing a tank top and shorts, preparing tea in the stove.

Erza should be here any minute, so I start making some tea, getting some snacks out.
It's not everyday you actually invite someone over since everyone just busts in whenever they feel like it.
I hear a knock on her door, take off my apron and hanging it by the fridge, I go and open it.
Erza's still wearing her armor.
"Erza, you know you can just wear something more comfortable, right? We'll be fine here." I tell her while smiling. I must've sounded like a dork.
"Oh right, give me a second." She requips to a cute button down blouse, loose sweatpants and slippers. "Is this okay?" She asks with a little embarrassed face.
"It's perfect, please come in." I let her in, show her to the table and rush over to the kitchen, grabbing some cups, sugar and cream. I place them on the table and come back for the teapot. I set it in between us.
"Would you like some now?" I ask. She nods and I proceed to serving her tea. I've already served her tea before, so I automatically add the cream and sugar to her liking.
"Wow, you always remember how I like it." She says, kind of surprised.
"It's all in the details, I always say. Why do you think I've taken so long writing my novels?" I laugh and serve my own cup of tea.
She also laughs a bit at my comment, and we sip on our drinks for a bit.
"So, you ready to start? You know, the massage thing?" Way to break the silence.
"Yea-yeah, okay. How do I start?" She asks while setting the tea down.
I stand and sit infront of her, back against her legs. I grab her hands and place them on my shoulders. I start applying pressure on them.
"So one of the key things is how you apply pressure. Everyone is different, but this is how I prefer it." I say and continue to move her hands against my shoulders. After a few seconds, she grabs my hands and says, "Let me take it from here."
She starts off pretty well but there are moments she starts doing it too hard, so I squeal.
"Shit I'm hurting you, I'm sorry." She stops but leaves her hands resting on my back.
"It's okay, this takes some time." I turn my head around and look at her directly to her eyes. We stay there, locked in each other's gazes. I feel my cheeks becoming flustered and burning up. She notices, obviously, and start blushing herself. She then takes her hands and starts massaging again, this time it's a lot better. After about a minute or two, she starts dragging her hands down to my lower back.
She's sitting on a chair while I'm on the floor, so I'm guessing it must be bothering her back.
"Let's go to my bed. I'll lay there, face down and you can, go on..." I assumed she would just sit on the edge of the bed, but instead, she climbs and kneels over my legs. I could feel the warmth of her inner thighs against my own.
She starts massaging from my neck, slowly going down to my lower back, while I instruct her every step of the way.
After a while, I feel completely relaxed and pretty loose.
God, she's so strong but, she can be so gentle as well. I think to myself as she starts climbing out of the bed. I turn around and sit, legs crossed and facing her. We don't say anything for a while, just stare.

Erza's POV:
While massaging her back, my whole body just warmed up. Being on top of her felt, kind of empowering. She was at my mercy.
Once we're done, I decide to just climb out of bed and stand while facing her. My mind is racing with too many thoughts. We just stare at each other for a bit. But I feel my arm just slowly start reaching out to her face.
She notices and starts doing the same. But I stop myself. "This was fun, but I have to run. Thank you and I'll see you." I turn around and walk towards the door. I leave and head towards my house.
What was that? What am I doing? Why am I feeling this?

Both girls are left confused, troubled and curious. What could possibly unravel between them?

Author's note:
Little bit of a longer chapter hahah.
I'm trying really hard not to rush into things too fast but who are we kidding? I can't wait to get to it.
Hope you enjoyed this so far and be on the lookout for the next chapter ❣️

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