You do your best not to scowl at her, "What kind of boats do you have?"

She shrugs, "Canoues, kayaks, paddle boards and paddle boats. That was from least to most expensive."

"How much are the canoues?" You ask.

She blows out air, "Sixty an hour."

Your eyes widen, "Sixty an HOUR?"

She shrugs, "I don't make the rules - I just enforce them."

"How much for the paddle boats?" You ask.

"Twenty an hour. But only two are allowed on at a time."

"We have five people-" Thomas starts, but you've already had an idea.

You finish his sentence for him, "So me and Tom will just go."

Thomas looks at you with furrowed eyebrows. He starts to protest, along with the other guys, "But-"

You shoot them a meaningful look.

"You guys can explore or something while we boat. Besides, Thomas and i are married, we need some alone time." You say.

The guys still frown, but make no noise. You turn to the grumpy lady in front of you, "One paddle boat, please."

Thomas hands her the money and she let's the two of you through. You hang back a minute and whisper to the guys, "Meet us at the bridge." Then you follow Thomas and the lady into the boating docks.

The lady shows you how to operate the boat, how both of you have to push the peddles for it to go straight and how if you want to go left or right you have to push the peddles on the opposite side. Then she let's you get in the boat and paddle off.

You make it out a good distance before Thomas says, "So, um, what's the plan?"

"They're meeting us on the bridge. Just go on the opposite side and we'll figure out the rest when we get there."

"What's the rest?" Thomas asks.

"We're sneaking them on the boat. Shoot, more than two people can fit on this thing. At the most five. Which is exactly how many we have. So we don't need to worry. Besides, this will be more fun! All of us on one boat! Something is bound to happen."

Thomas shakes his head, "Sometimes you like the stupidity and sometimes you don't. It's confusing to figure out where the line is drawn."

"Ah, well. I live to confuse." You grin.

"I'm pretty sure that's true." Thomas says.

The two of you steadily paddle towards the bridge for a couple of minutes in silence.

Then, Thomas says, "Percy's wedding is next week?"

You smile, "Yeah."

Thomas sighs.

"I know you don't want me to go. But he's my cousin! Like it's been said- he's more like a big brother! It's only a few days anyway. You'll live. So will I. You were invited, but since we got married and you took a couple weeks off, you can't take any more time away from filiming. But I can so I'm going." You say with a curt nod.

"Yeah, yeah." He grumbles, "I just don't like the idea of you traveling alone."

"I've done it pleanty of times before." You chuckle.

"But those times you didn't have a nervous husband worrying about you."

"I'll be fine." You smile, looking over at Thomas.

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