2. Sonny :: The Battle Scar, They Ain't Worth It

Start from the beginning

"I've heard the song. It's a good one. I'm glad we're singing it," Sonny lied, straight through his teeth. Well, it wasn't a complete lie. He can acknowledge it was an important song for the audience to hear. But he wished he didn't have to sing it.

Once Andy had concluded Sonny was probably fine preforming the song and he was trying to dig for emotions not there, as well as the fact he got a text from Harper asking if an ambulance was needed or a shovel to bury Andy's dead body, they decided to head back in.

Unfortunately, learning the lyrics had been harder than Sonny initially assumed it would be. But that was not because his harmony was out of the norm or his solo was incredibly wordy. No, it was a secret from his past that weighed him down while they practiced. The one Andy originally worried about.

He found he needed to excuse himself multiple times, claiming he drank way too much soda earlier today, to calm down his racing heart ready to throw the boy head first into a panic attack. His friends would laugh, claiming he was to skinny to have a quality bladder. Then, Sonny would proceed to run to the bathroom and lock himself in there while sliding to the floor.

. . .

It confused Sonny. Why was it a song he barely wanted to sing and yet the audience was screaming along as if it's a rave and the best song came on. As soon as the song started, it got cheers from the wild audience as if it was their platinum single coming on and everyone was ready to dance their hearts out. It was ridiculous. However, he hoped they were too into their dance parties to notice the tears that had begun to trail down his cheeks.

As the song progressed, more and more water traveled from his eyes and he could not control it. A couple of times, Brooklyn gave his arm a light slap and mouthed words of concern. Sonny tried to laugh it off every time. But he clearly wasn't believable considering his eyes were surrounded by puffy, red skin.

The song came to a close and Sonny found himself unable to stop the sobs breaking through. He looked side to side, from his bandmates to the audience, all watching with cameras glaring at his face. Shame and embarrassment rose in his cheeks. Everyone saw the tears pouring from his eyes. With no idea what else to do, he did an about face and ran off stage to hide from it all.

Everyone was unsure of what just happened. The remaining members of Roadtrip were trying their best to hide their confusion. But it was there, never the less. "Uh, that was 'Don't Hurt Yourself'. It's time for us to take a brief intermission now before the second half of the show." That was a lie. There were still two songs before intermission was supposed to happen. But Andy decided now was a more suitable time to call it. "You guys have been an amazing audience. We'll see you shortly. Enjoy the bathroom line."

Sonny had booked it to the men's bathroom and collapsed to the ground, back against the wall, as soon as he'd successfully slammed the door shut. His legs curled in against his chest, his body hunched over while he found himself watching his breath quicken.

Sonny heard his name being called out in attempts to locate him. But he didn't budge from his position, or more he couldn't. Just sitting, he felt like he would pass out at any moment. His breathing was irregular, working at rapid speed as if he hasn't had air in so long and was now finally getting some. Instead, he hugged his knees tighter in his arms and let the water trail down from his eyes.

Various doors were being opened nearby. He could faintly hear it. Footsteps grew closer and close, as well as voices, until the bathroom door was pushed open slowly and Brooklyn's head popped through. "Oh my god. Sonny, mate, what's happened?"

Sonny wanted to say he was alright. He spoke it in his head. But in reality, all he let out were gasps for air. A crying cough was heard in replace of an actual response. But that could be translated into a no for Brooklyn. "Hey, hey man. Look at me. Follow my breaths. I'm here. You're okay. You're okay."

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