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I watched around nervously as she continued with her questions, as usual, a new day, a new session. I answered as good as I can and every time she nods approvingly, I felt a weird sense of happiness.

I waited till the session today was over, a whole of 2 hours, just for her.

"I guess you're done for today, this is your last week with me, anything you'd like to share," She asked, her professional smile on display.

"I like you Doc," I spoke out loud for the first time, the confidence I had a second ago all rushing out the next second, my head shot down and I stared at my fingers, fidgeting with each other.

"That's sweet Mr. Kim, I like you too," she said smiling and right then I knew she didn't mean it the way I did.

"I'm serious Doc," I said and looked at her intently.

"Mr. Kim-"

"Taehyung," I corrected her and she sighed.

"I'm on duty Sir," she said monotonous and I felt a pang of pain on my chest.

"Okay then, I'll wait till you're done to make you believe me."

I stated before exiting her clinic, marching towards my car that was parked outside. I felt tears at the corner of my eyes, so stupid. Of course, she cares about her job more than some stupid confession. I should've just told her later.

My head hurt but I waited for her, even when I knew she got off late. One hour, two hours, people kept coming out of the clinic but there was no sign of her. Only when it was dark outside, streets silent, I was still there, hoping to see her again.

After about five hours of waiting she finally exit the clinic, briefcase in her hand as she watched the ground. I got out of my car and jogged towards her.

"Chaelin," I called her out and watched how she stopped, turning her heel to look at me.

I couldn't help myself, walking closer and hugging her, embracing her warmth. My arms worked on instinct as they wrapped themselves securely around her, pulling her closer to me. Breathing in her scent that pulled me closer to her every time I saw her.

"Taehyung," she called me and I respond with a quiet 'hmm'.

She pulled my arms off her gently, holding them down and looking up at me. Her eyes shone brightly as she watched me intently. My eyes softening as I took in her features, breathtaking no matter what.

"I told you before, I'm telling you now, I like you," I said, using up all the confidence in me, making sure I didn't look away from her eyes, not once.

She looked down, away from my eyes and my pupils shook from the nervousness that ate me up alive, not wanting to hear the words that I knew would throw me down to a pit.

"I'm sorry," she said and walked off, not giving me a chance to finish and getting closer to her car. I didn't know what got into me but I did it as a reflex, I reached out to her arm, pulling her closer to me, making sure she didn't look away even once.

"For once, forgetting that I'm just a patient and you're my doctor, I wanna speak to you, man to woman," I said and kept her in my hold, making sure she wasn't uncomfortable. She wasn't trying to pull away, simply listening to me and that calmed me down a bit.

"I love you," I said finally, her eyes furrowed before softening as she watched me.

"Not me Taehyung, you'll find someone bette-"

"I can't, I could never find someone better than you," I said and she breathed in, looking aside then back at me.

"You were my job Taehyung, nothing more, nothing less. So let's keep it that way," she said and I gulped, the insecurities that led me to her clinic, the nervousness that had a piece of me, the anger from my past mistakes, any negative emotion I tried to outcast was slowly tripling back to me.

"Fine, sorry I wasted your time," I said, leaving her arms from my hold and sprinting the way back to my car, not being able to hold the raging emotions. My eyes stinging and the back of my head felt like it was holding a heavy load.

"Taehyung!" I heard her but couldn't stop, I couldn't look at her. I couldn't tell if I was being overly selfish or not, overly childish or not, I confessed my love and she rejected me, for what? Being her job...

The words she used made me feel overly anxious about myself.

"Taehyung stop!" I heard again but drove right past her, hot tears falling down as I turn to see her figure slowly disappear at the rearview mirror.


𝑨𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒕 ♡︎ 𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑻𝒂𝒆𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈Where stories live. Discover now