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Chaelin's POV

Taehyung followed me around like a tail as I walk along the corridors of the clinic. I made my way to the nearest staff room and took off my robe to keep it safe in the locker.

"Let's go," I said and started heading out.

The night air hit our skin and a chill ran up my spine as I let a slight shiver escape me.

"I'm driving," I said simply to which the man nod obediently.

As we got in I immediately turned on the heaters for a bit of warmth and then put on my playlist.

"Cigarettes after sex," Taehyung said, his voice deep and relaxing to hear. As the music began, his head leaned against the seat. Shutting his eyes as he enjoyed the song.


know that you really don't need,

to be,

in love to make love to me.

I heard him hum and a slight smile forms on my face, his eyes still closed taking in the music, didn't notice.

I put the breaks right when the song finishes and he opens his eyes, only to immediately shut it back, closed tight.

The bright lighting of the pub in front of us could've been blinding. And honestly, I hated it.

Once he adjusted his sight his confused phase returned soon after.

"The pub?", he asked to which I only exit the car and wait for him.

Once he made his way out we walked into the pub after showcasing our IDs. The sounds, smell of alcohol, fellow human beings laughing, grinding, me scrunching and cringing as usual.

Taehyung seemed to notice and chuckled.

"First time?", he asked, more like he knew but was trying to mock my tastes.

"Shut up," I retorted.

He smirked and called on the waiter, "A glass of red wine?" I ordered questioningly.

"Wine?" Taehyung repeated and I was just getting irritated here.

"Haven't you heard of grabbing life by the horns?"

He says as he downs his shot.

"You've got to loosen up Doc', life's short, you need to smile and embrace it," he says as he downs his second shot and walks away to the dance floor, leaving his last shot untouched.

I eye him as he immediately makes friends around the dance club, something I found difficult. He was able to do it so efficiently -socialize.

And that's when I made a choice where there was a 51.6 percent chance I was gonna regret it.

I downed the shot in place of him feeling the burn go down my throat and soon find my self walking to him as he gets closer to one of the girls on the dance floor.

To be continued...

𝑨𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒕 ♡︎ 𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑻𝒂𝒆𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈Where stories live. Discover now