14. Rani

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I trudged down the steps to find Troy, Art and West sitting lazily on the kitchen chairs, eyes glued to their phones. "Is Ever still out back?" I asked, and West nodded, accompanied by a best-of-luck-don't-die-out-there look. Taking a breath to recompose myself, I walked out.

"Ever, what the hell?!" Clearly, inhaling to calm oneself down is overrated. He turned around - the characteristic tranquility in his eyes had vanished and a hint of frenzy swirled in them. Poor thing.

"Hey, Adi, will you go to the dance with me?" he pleaded, and I placed a hand on my hip, pursing my lips.

"Shut up. You said that you and Lee have been fighting over petty things, but that's not true, is it?" I accused. Ever's gaze flickered from mine to the side from guilt.

"That's irrelevant. Can't we start it over? You and I? Please, Aditi," he insisted, stepping closer.

I groaned, smacking my hand to my forehead. "Noooo, Ever! The hell's wrong with you?!"

"I think I love you," he softly stated, stepping back and leaning on the white picket fence. I resisted the urge to facepalm and, let me tell you, it wasn't a weak urge.

"Listen here, you little shit. You're my best friend. You've stuck out for me since I had baby teeth, and I absolutely love you, but as a friend. Lee is in her room wondering what the hell she did wrong, and she didn't, and she loves you more than I ever could. And ask yourself, if you really loved me, wouldn't you have broken up with Lee the moment I confessed?" I ranted, leaving myself winded. As I took in deep breaths, he stood with his back to the fence grimly for several long, thoughtful minutes. "Don't worry, it's only humane to be a mess. I don't want you wallowing the rest of your life with her broken heart on your conscience, Ever. It doesn't have to be this way."

"So, I don't love you?" he asked with the expression of a confused puppy. I couldn't hold back back an annoyed eye roll.

"No, you turd. At best, you're worried that we'll drift apart if I'm with you-know-who. At worst, it's your ego. But seriously, I don't know what the hell's wrong with you! You and Lee are fucking perfect for each other! Don't blow it and come crying to me later," I said, walking to him and leaning on the fence beside him.

"You must think of me as a shithead," Ever compulsively scratched the back of his head, digging at the dirt on Mrs. Nicole's bed of peonies with his Nike shoe.

"Don't worry, I always knew you're a shithead. It's nothing I can't put up with," I smiled warmly. "Sometimes, you just have to fuck things to realise their worth. Now get back in there and say sorry to Lee. Come 'ere," I walked up to him, gently wrapping my arms around him in a tender hug.

"Oh wow," I stiffened against Ever at Lee's voice, which her desperate endeavour to keep it from breaking audible.

Oh shit, now this?

"Lee, I swear it's not-" I began, whipping around, but she had already disappeared from the door into the kitchen. Ever let go of my arms, rushing after her with a desperate urgency.

I followed him in, and did a double take.

I don't think I've ever seen two people making out more ferociously on top of a kitchen table. Thank goodness for the Nicoles and their late-night lawyering.

I awkwardly walked around the table to the adjoined 'parlour' with Troy, Art and West, all sporting simultaneously raised a brow. "I guess they're back together," I spoke.

"Do you see anybody questioning it?" West said, peering into the kitchen and shuddering.

"Good job, Ads. We better get out of here before the climax on the Kitchen Table of Coitus," Troy mumbled, picking up the jacket hanging from the edge of the settee. He pecked Art goodbye and the three of us walked out into the lawn with its fancy garden chairs, trying to ignore the gasps and slurps ensuing from the kitchen.

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