"The fuck have you been?" I mutter through pressed lips.

"For a walk" She replies simply.

"You've deeply hurt me by picking him, Elle" My brother whines playfully and I roll my eyes.

"Ummm—" Her brain fails at responding, she looks completely spent and in need of some rest.

"It's okay, just remember if he ever hurts you, you can always come back to me" As if to emphasize his ridiculous offer, he opens his arms wide for her.

Elle shoots him down with a nod and turns to look at me. "Can we please go?" It's the first time, I've heard her say the word without someone threatening to kill her.

"Already? You haven't even met everybody, father's here too" Elon groans and I just wanted to smack him in the head.

"Look, I know you guys enjoy torturing me but I'm really not interested in meeting any more people, especially your father and your brother" Honestly, I wouldn't blame her for that, I wasn't keen on meeting my father either.

"Good, Constance is away on a project and won't be back for a while. Can't say so much about father though, he ain't going anywhere, any time soon" Alcohol really makes Elon talk a lot.

"Could you help me get my car up front?" I shut him out before I really end up hitting him.

He nods and starts jogging off in the direction of the garage. I shove my phone back in my pocket, pushing my glass towards her. She holds it without a protest, a rare thing for her to do.

"Wait, you can't drive, you've been drinking the whole evening" Ah! There came her nagging.

I slip out of my suit jacket and drape it over her shoulder, which again she accepts with zero protest. I think it's because she's too occupied complaining about my drinking. "So you've been keeping an eye on me?" I tease as I take my belonging back from her grasp. She lets go with a little fight.

"I'm serious Logan" She says in a no bull shit tone.

"Alright, then you drive" I blow smoke from whatever's left of my cigar. I wasn't really serious about letting her drive, she's had a couple of drinks and between the two of us I sure as hell trust myself behind the wheel.

"Fuck no! God forbid, if I happen to so much as put a tiny scratch on it, you'll make me sell my kidneys to pay you back" Her logic, although didn't make any sense, it sounded fucking hilarious.

"Why would I do that? I need you healthy and in one piece" I reach out and tuck that annoying strand of hair behind her ear.

"Let's call a cab"

"You don't trust me?" I try to mock the hurtful tone from Elon as I hear him drive up to us. She decides to not answer that as I open the door for my brother to get out. "Look I'm heading back, if you want to call a cab go for it or stay back, use one of the rooms here. My mother would be more than thrilled to take you in" That did it, I watch in victory as she glares at me but gets in the car none the less.

"Did you have fun?" I question once we hit the road.

"I did until you fucking threw me under the bus" She scoffs as she pulls my jacket from her shoulders and places it to cover the slit of her thigh. Good because that had already started to distract me.

I didn't know what fascination I had with her body, just one tiny, harmless look and I'd be loosing all self control, just like I did this morning. And it's for that reason that I leave her be as she stares out the window. Fifteen minutes in and I take notice of the black SUV driving at a distance behind us. My instincts knew exactly what was happening but I could be wrong.

I pass a quick glance at Elle, who is completely clueless and on her phone, probably texting her brother or that friend of hers. But that's not important right now. Calmly I take a couple of wrong turns and a few signals later, the car is still following us, maybe even more closely than before.

Reaching out for the console built in the centre of the vehicle, I speed dial Josh. "I need you to look up the license for the black SUV behind us" I order before he even gets a chance to greet me.

Elle shifts in her seat, maybe speaker phone wasn't the best idea. "What's wrong?" She questions.

"Nothing, I've got it" I'm hoping that my curt tone, gives her a hint that I need her to shut up.

"Who are they? Have they been following us?" I guess I was hoping for too much...

"It's an unregistered vehicle, I can't find anything on it" Josh's voice pulls me back to the situation at hand. "We're on our way" I hang up the call, press on the accelerator.

It's easy to put distance between us and just when I thought I'd lost them completely, I spot another black car zooming in through the rear view mirror. This one comparatively faster than the SUV. I turn into a smaller alley, with lesser traffic, I just had to stall them until my men came in. The only problem with that was I didn't know how far off we were from home and how long is it going to take for Josh to get here.

I try to focus on the windshield, see who the fuck has got the balls to chase me down this way but like I had suspected the tinted windows were of no help. I do a mental check of all the weapons I have stashed up in the car, being in this business you kind of have to be prepared for these things.

"Logan, where are you taking us?" Elle continues to spout nonsense.

Where the fuck did she think I was going? Take us home so they know where we live?

No! Focus!

I tune out Elle's voice as her brain forms another meaningless question. If I could gain a little more distance between us, I'd have the time to get out and fetch my guns from the trunk. Assuming the way they're after me, it'd be the sedan that gets to us first, if can get rid of them before the SUV arrives, we won't have to wait for Josh to find us.

It seems like a doable plan and I push on the accelerator, ready to kill these people.

Did I or did I not surprise you with the car chase?

How are Logan and Elle going to get out of this?

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CAPTURED BY HIM (Book I: Captured series)Where stories live. Discover now