"So somebody's trying to kill her" I comment dryly, my brain already racing to people who might want her dead but nothing comes to my mind.

"What did you do with the body?" I ask next stepping away from the room, just to make sure she doesn't hear us. Although, what I should really be doing is barging in there and demand answers as to why she lied and didn't mention that she almost got killed in her house.

"Josh is getting rid of him"

"Send me a picture of him and I need you to find out who this man was and who sent him" Our conversation is cut short as the door opens and Elle steps out in a black dress, her hair tied back. She looked timeless and I wondered how the hell did she get ready so quick.

Doyle nods at me as he leaves us, "Question, who picked all these out?" She inquires, stepping closer. The click of her heels matching up to the way her hips sway with every step.

"I approved of most of them" I comment, fighting the urge to touch her.

"Well you need to approve of some pants and probably dresses that cover up more skin" She points at the mesh slits on the waist of her dress.

"Although I think it's a complete waste to hide what you have with pants, maybe you should go buy some clothes. Things that you'd like to wear" I offer her my arm and her cheeks turn a deeper shade of red as she reaches out to me. We leave the house and Doyle pulls up my Lambo to the driveway, Elle's eyes are fixed to the sky, watching the sunset. She looks mesmerized and I can't help but think about the person who's trying to hurt her.

"Ready?" I place my hand on the small of her back, she looks at me as if I just pulled her out of some deep thoughts as she nods.

"So at what point tonight were you going to tell me what actually happened to your arm?" I inquire once I've started driving us out.

From just the way she shifted in her seat I'd tell she's not going to cave in that easily. "I told you already, I wasn't being careful" She turns her head away.

"You're a terrible liar" I comment.

"I really don't know what you're talking about" She continues to act clueless about it. Had I been in a bad mood I'd have hit the brakes and demanded answers from her. But I'm on strict schedule tonight, thanks to my mother, I had to delay the time for tonight's shipment to arrive so I don't really have the leisure to stall Elle. At the same time I can't turn a blind eye to the fact that someone's after her.

"Did you forget it was my men that saved your ass? Or were you under the impression that they won't tell me about it?" I glare at her and she decides to look back at me.

"So if you know about it, why are you interrogating me?" She questions.

"Because I need to know if you think there's someone who would want to harm you" Even with my eyes on the road up ahead, I could feel the way her face fell.

"What do you mean hurt me? That was just some random guy who wanted to rob me! He probably didn't even know who I was or that I was going to be home" She sounded like she didn't want to believe that her life could be in danger. And I wondered if I was really going to make her feel unsafe again. Putting her through that shit again seemed unnecessary when I could easily handle matters on my own.

"Where are you playing tomorrow?" I question, trying to change the topic. She remains silent for a minute, probably processing the sudden change of discussion.

"It's for a wedding in Munich, Germany, Damian has booked us a hotel for the night" She gives me the details hesitantly and I know it's because she doesn't know how I'm going to take it.

"I hope he got you separate rooms because I don't intend on sharing you" I give her a quick glance and find her staring back at me. "Of course" She blurts.

We remain silent for the rest of the ride and it's only when I'm pulling up to the driveway that she turns back to me. "What am I supposed to tell her?" She inquires, her eyes looking at me frantically.

"What do you mean?" I question back.

"Your mother? When she starts questioning us, we need to have the same story" I smile at the way she panics over such a petty thing. My mother should be least of her worries.

"We'll play along, don't have to fuss so much about it" Unbuckling my seat belt, I watch her intently, the two bandaids on the corner of her forehead and her arm distracting me.

"How can I not worry? Does this mean it's okay to tell her the truth?" Her voice takes a frustrated tone.

"Do what you think is right"

"You're a fucking asshole, are you trying to get me into trouble? Is this some sort of a test?" She has no idea but she just made this whole thing even more interesting and now I'm looking forward to see what she's really going to be telling my mother.

I lean towards her, catching few stray strands of hair that she missed to pull back, in between my fingers. Taking notice of how her breath quickens at my proximity, I grin, tucking the hair behind her ear.

"You're right, it is a test so let's see how you handle it"

Comment what's your favourite car??

Mine is the BMW X6!

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CAPTURED BY HIM (Book I: Captured series)Where stories live. Discover now