the twist

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A few weeks after James told me who the super Heroes were he started acting weird.

He acted as though nothing happened.

Like he was just my brothers confusing friend that I had a crush on.

My crush lead to my confusing friend. The secrets pushed us apart along with the rudeness. I got so mad because one day he said he loved me but a week later could act like nothing happened at all.

At first I just missed him but then it went into depression and plain confusion.

I hurt, I cried and I yelled. I could not eat or think of anything other than him.

One night I got enough of an urge to text him that I did..." Hello" he responded and hour later " oh, Hi I guess" that got me confused " why do u sound so surprised?" I asked, " You don't seem to talk to me much. Why now?"

he said "What?!?! We used to talk all the time...what do you mean?"

I said completely confused he finally responded about two hours later.

I cried through it. " right..." he said then he added " I am going to sleep now its three a.m.."

I decided to just respond. " good night" I said crying "good night...I guess." he says.

That night I cried but never feel asleep. I remembered all the time thay had together.

I noticed I had not cried in atleat a few months and asked myself. " Why am I crying,

I should have expected this? Stupid self" I remember last time I had the urge to cut myself it made my mom cry.

So I fought it...

One day at school me and my friends where eating lunch again. " Why won't she eat?" they questioned me and each other.

I did not make a sound, it would be wrong to tell them.

I finally said " I will eat two bits but I am sorry I can't tell you what's wrong." I said finally after weeks of about about a bite of food a day.

Then I drank my milk. Not long after Chelsi asked " Did James break your heart?" then I realize I can tell them that much and answer.

" I should have seen it coming..." I mumble. She hugs me and says "I am sorry."

" I feel so stupid" I say. Then Jayden walks over to our table and say " Hi guys... Why the long face?" he looks at me.

" I guess one broken heart was not enough but at least this time it was not your best friend." I answer as plainly as I can " I see, I see. Things will get better." he assures me but he don't even understand what it is liked to be dumped by two different suppers.

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