Jess's Party-Chapter Twelve

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My boots tapped against the linoleum lightly as I walked down the Liberty High halls.

I noticed Monty was waiting next to my locker, I hadn't spoken to him since the night of our breakup.

I tried to ignore him as I placed my books into the small blue locker.

'Don't ignore me.' He ordered in an unpleasant tone.

I sighed and looked over to the jock who was now smiling at me. 'I knew I could get you to acknowledge me.'

'What do you want Monty.' I asked in a uninterested tone, grabbing my chapstick from my locker and running it across my lips.

He watched me do this intently, wetting his own lips with his tongue. 'Wanted to know if you're going to Jess's.'

'Yeah i'm going.'

I placed the chapstick into the front pocket of my backpack and zipped it shut.

'Good because I am too.' He replied in an alluring tone. 'And it wouldn't be a party without you.'

And with that Monty left me alone at my locker, walking back down the halls.

I shook my head smiling to myself and pulled my backpack out of my locker, slamming it shut.

Monty was something special that was for sure.

Today was career day, I headed down to the gym to see what was in store.
The place was filled with stalls of universities and students trying to grasp some idea of what they wanted to do with their lives.

I made my way up and down the aisles, trying to look for the perfect stall for me.
I wasn't looking where I was walking and I bumped into Hannah.

'Oh i'm sorry.' She said as we took a step back from eachother.

I rubbed my forehead gently. 'Don't be, I was the one not looking where I was walking.'

We were silent for a while.

'Do you know where this university is?' I asked her holding up a purple flyer. It was particularly good for teaching degrees.

She pointed behind her. 'I think I saw it down that way.'

I nodded awkwardly and shuffled away.

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Zach's POV
'Check out the tits on this cheerleader.' I chuckled pointing the girl out on the flyer to Justin.

Although I really wanted to check out the other universities to see the Marine Biology programmes, I knew the guys and my mum wouldn't exactly appreciate it.

'Clair!' I heard Bryce call out as she headed down one of the aisles.
'So i'm guessing you don't want to be a cheerleader forever?' He joked putting her arm around her.

She chuckled waving her pamphlet in his face. 'No Bryce.'

'Oh so you want to be a teacher. Sorry, Miss Peter's.'

She laughed at this and brushed past me, smiling as she walked out the gym.

When the boys and I finally left the gym I could feel something in my back pocket as I walked.

I pulled it out seeing a Marine Biology pamphlet.

Clair must've put it in my pocket when she brushed past me.

This made me smile to myself and I put the pamphlet back into my pocket before the boys could see.

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Clair's POV
Summer break finally rolled around and I was so excited, especially for Jess's party.

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