The Beginning- Chapter One

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I'll admit it, I was excited to move to San Francisco. But, I would miss my friends so much.

I lived in Santa Monica, with my dad my whole life.

In the same house, in the same room that I snuck my dads beers into with my best friends and got drunk when I was fifteen.

But dad got a new job at the police station up there and he needed the money.

It was a five hour drive to our new house.

Luckily it was a sunny day so we could drive with the windows rolled down and the radio blaring 80's old hits.

I took this weather as a good omen, maybe it would be a good fresh start for us both. Or so I hoped.

Although dad and I looked the same, with the brown hair, pale skin and green eyes. We were very different.

Dad was more of a hermit, loved being inside and keeping to himself.

Me on the other hand, hated being stuck at home and being alone. Which is probably why I was so scared of starting at a new school, i'd be all alone.

Atleast I had the whole of this summer break to make some friends.

We pulled up to a street off the side of the main road, full of identical tall victorian houses with a modern twist.

The two moving trucks were parked already outside of the second house on the street, unloading all our furniture.

Dad cut the engine of his truck and we both hopped  out.

'Alright Clair bear, I know this won't interest you.' Dad said to me as we walked up to the trucks, he had called me this nickname ever since I was little.

'Here's some money, how about you go get yourself an ice cream, look around.' He pulled out a couple of notes out of his jean pocket and handed it to me.

I took them and placed them in my small white wallet that once belonged to my mother.

Don't worry i'm not a cliche with a dead parent. My mother is still alive, however she was really young when she had me.

She felt as though she never really got to pursue her dreams, so one night when dad and I were asleep when I was just a baby. She packed her bags and headed for those dreams never looking back.

All she left was the white wallet with cash in it and a note saying.

I'm so sorry, in my wallet should be enough money to take care of everything.
I know you'll both do great.

It broke dad into pieces, he developed a heavy drinking habit because of it. Although he isn't as bad now, he still has his moments.

But I still love him, it's tough being a single parent and he did the best he could.

He still hasn't been in another relationship since my mother, despite my efforts to set him up on dates.

'Thanks dad.' I said and planted a kiss on his cheek and turned to head to the main street.

'Have fun kiddo.' He yelled out, in which I responded with a simple wave.

I made my way down to an ice cream shop, which was just by a dock that had lots of sail boats stationed there.

The ice cream shop was small, but quiet hip. It had graffiti art on one of the walls, a smell of incense in the air and mis matched furniture.

I walked up to the counter and order a small mint chocolate chip cone from the young girl working there.

She eyed me down as she made my ice cream like a bug that needed to be squashed immediately.

I decided maybe it wasn't best to eat inside the shop and I ate while I walked around the water outside.

That was when I saw a group of three girls sitting on the ground laughing and drawing. 'This would be a good opportunity to make some friends.' I thought to myself and made my way over to them.

One of the girls was extremely small and petite with oval shaped glasses. The other was tall with flaming red hair.

And the last one had blonde curly hair, with very pale skin and dark under eyes which actually complimented her well.

'Hi.'I said cheerfully when I finally reached the group, they all looked up at me squinting as I was standing directly in the sun. 'Can I sit with you?'

They all smiled at me and the blonde one shuffled back to make some room. 'Of course you can,' she said.

I took a seat and we were now in a perfect circle infront of the sketchbook they were drawing in. It appeared to be some sort of mythical creature.

'I'm Annie by the way.' The blonde girl said and shook my hand.

She then pointed to the red haired girl. 'This is Angela.' she mouthed a 'hello' to me and I waved at her.

Annie then pointed at the small one who seemed shyer than the others. 'And this is Emma.' I waved at her too.

'You can join if you want, we are just drawing whatever.' Annie stated pointing at the sketch book.

I nodded eagerly. 'Alright cool.' I finished my ice cream and picked up a pencil from the many next to Emma's feet.

Annie and I hit it off the best in the group, she was chatty just like me.

Once the sun began to set Annie offered to give me a lift home in her parents old Honda they gave to her as a birthday present.

When we pulled up to my house, the moving trucks were no longer out the front and there were many cardboard boxes stacked next to the overflowing bins.

'Thanks for driving me home.' I told her as we rolled into the drive way.

'Not a problem, girl.'

'I was worried I wouldn't make any friends and be a complete loser,'

'Oh god.' She chuckled. 'Actually i'm going shopping with my friend Kat tomorrow did you want to come?'

'Of course I would.'

'Alright, i'll pick you up at 9.'

'See you then.' I said as I got out the car. I waved her goodbye and then turned to walk inside my new house.

I found dad already inside the living room with his feet up on the coffee table and beer in hand, watching the football.

I scoffed at this and headed into the kitchen to reheat some leftover pizza dad had ordered.

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