Valentine's Day-Chapter Ten

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It didn't take long for Monty and Zach to make up, I guess boys have shorter disagreements then girls.

Monty acted like he didn't care about the breakup when he was around the boys, but he sent me multiple drunk texts asking me to take him back.

But I avoided him and Zach too for that matter.
I felt as though it was for the best, until I get my feelings sorted.

That morning after getting dressed and having a granola bar for breakfast, I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door.

Well I went to head out the door but almost stepped on something. Down below my feet was a box of chocolates, shaped into a heart and a big white fluffy teddy bear.

There was a note with it but no name of who sent them just a simple "Happy valentine's day, Clair x"

I put the chocolates and teddy back into my room and headed back out to go to school.

As I walked the halls I saw plenty of couples together, exchanging gifts and holding hands.

Although I hated to admit it, it made me sad being single on this day.

I tried to ignore it and opened up my locker, revealing a bouquet of daisies in my locker without a note.

They were wrapped in pink tissue paper and tied with a silver ribbon.

I smiled at the gift as I grabbed my text books behind them and closed my locker door.

Maybe today wasn't so bad to be single after all?

After first period the cheer team and I worked on our "My dollar valentine charity" to raise money for cheer camp.

'Sherri those love hearts look like butts.' Jess laughed pointing at the paper hearts Sherri had just cut out.

We all giggled at this.

'Hey!' Sherri exclaimed. 'They aren't that bad.'

I started sprinkling glitter onto my my own hearts as Jess leaned closer to me.

'Did you get anything for valentine's day.' She whispered in my ear.

I nodded at her. 'Yeah I did I got chocolate's at my house and a bouquet of flowers in my locker. You reckon you could find out who sent them?'

Jess's eyes lit up once I told her this, like the mystery she was about to uncover excited her.

At lunch the cheer girls and I set up the the library for the dollar valentine survey.

We would take everyone's surveys put the results in the computer and print out the results of who they were compatible with.

Almost everyone was shocked with who was on their lists.

I guess people saw themselves differently to how others saw them.

As I headed to my next class after break I got a call on my phone from Jess.

'Hey.' She said in almost a squeal.

'Hi, i'm guessing you found out who my secret valentine's are.'

'Well one of them. I found out through Justin that Monty stuck the flowers in your locker this morning.'

I scoffed. 'Of course he did.'

'So who do you think the other one was?'

'I think it was Zach actually.'

'Zach Dempsey?!'

'Yes him.' As I said this I had arrived to my classroom door. 'Alright i've got class i'll talk to you later.'

We said goodbye and I quickly shoved my phone into my pocket and sat at the back with Sherri.

We both attempted to distract ourselves from the boring movie the English teacher had put on by discussing who everyone had matched with today.

A few days had past and I still couldn't stop thinking about Zach. So I decided I would tell him how I felt.

I walked down the halls in search for Zach, I knew he wouldn't be hard to find as he was super tall.

That's when I found him.

He was standing there talking with Hannah Baker.

So first she decided to steal Alex from Jess and now she decides she wants to go for Zach.

I marched off, I could feel the heat rising in my throat.
I was so mad.

I ran into the girls bathroom and hid in a stall, slamming it loudly.

That's when I did it.

I was so angry I pulled a marker out of my backpack and began to write on the wall next to me.

Amongst all the other bunches of writing.

Hannah Baker is a fucking whore

I had never wrote anything like that before, I was just so angry.

As soon as I wrote it I regretted it and I attempted to wet my thumb and wipe away the words but all it did was smudge the writing.

'Fuck.' I whispered to myself as I desperately tried to get the words off the wall.

But the damage was already done.

And although I had regretted what I had done, I was still angry.

Especially at Hannah.

The next day I was filling my lunch tray with food when she came up to me.

'Hey.' She greeted me with a bright smile, reaching for a juice box.

I sighed loudly. 'Hi Hannah.' my words were blunt and I knew she knew I was angry with her.

'So how'd you pull up after that night at formal?' She asked attempting to ignore my anger.

I didn't answer, chewing on the inside of my cheek in attempt not to say anything stupid.

'Did I do something wrong?' I wished she hadve just dropped it.

I turned to face her. 'What havent you done. First you fuck over Jess and now me. Just stay away from me.'

I turned back around and stormed off carrying my lunch tray with me. I ignored the calls of Hannah telling me to "wait"

I didn't wait, I didn't even look back.

I just kept my head held high and kept walking.

Third Person

But little did Clair know that the whole interaction between Zach and Hannah wasn't real.

Zach had been forced by Bryce to play with Hannah's emotions, just because he thought it'd be funny.

Communication's class was Zach's way of doing so.

He tried to hide it from Clair, he didn't want anymore chances of being with her ruined.

High School is all about the mind games.

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