Drugs&Boys-Chapter Seven

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'There's my girl.' Monty greeted me, grabbing my waist from behind me and kissing my neck.

Looks like everything was back to normal.

He then kissed me on the lips quickly and began to talk. 'So winter formal is on soon, you're coming with me, yeah?'

'Of course I am.' I told him and pulled my Biology book out of my locker. I was about to have tutoring with Zach.

'Well i'm going to go ditch at Bryce's. See you later.' He gave me another kiss goodbye before heading over to his pack of dogs.

I rolled my eyes at this and turned around heading to the library.

I looked around the room to try and spot Zach. 'Over here!' He called out waving to me, causing the librarian to shush him.

I giggled at this and swiftly made my way over to his table.
'You're early.' I said waving the time on my phone in his face.

He chuckled. 'Yeah well that means you are too.'

'Touché.' I nodded and took a seat across from him. 'So what chapter are we starting with, it doesn't matter to me because I don't get any of it.'

'How about chapter one then?'


Zach didn't need to tutor me. He didn't need to check on me at the baseball field that time. He didn't need to drive me to Jessica's house, or ask me about my mother.

He did this all out of the kindness of his own heart and this gave me butterflies to think he did this all for me.

He even said that i'm beautiful.

The whole time during the tutoring session I could feel Zach's eyes on me and it made me flush.

I would occasionally look up just to catch him staring and he would quickly dart his eyes back to his book.

After tutoring Zach drove me home as we did it last period. We listened to the same cd of the band we both liked on the way.

'Did you want to go to Monet's tomorrow after school to grab a hot drink?' I asked him loudly, trying to compete with the loud music.

'Sure, i'll drive us there.'

'Sounds like a date... I mean, well you know what I mean.'

We both chuckled awkwardly at this.

As we pulled up I noticed that my dads car was in the driveway, which was unusual of him being home this early from work.

I thanked Zach for the ride and headed inside finding my dad buckling his work pants.

'Hey Care bear,' He greeted in his gruff voice.

'You got night shift again?' I asked as I hung up my jacket on the coat hanger.

'Sure do, there's some pasta in the cupboard if you want to cook yourself up some dinner tonight.' He told me and grabbed his keys off the dining table before heading out.

I grabbed myself some orange juice out of the fridge and drank it straight from the carton.

That's when I saw Monty at my window which almost made me spit out my drink in shock.

I walked around to my front door and opened it letting him in. 'What are you doing here, Monty. You scared the shit out of me!'

By the looks of it he had been smoking weed at Bryce's, his eyes were all blood shot.

'What can't I see my girlfriend.' He said while making his way over to me with open arms.

I rolled my eyes at the jock as he wrapped me in his arms tightly.

'Come with me to Bryce's, we are all chilling out, it'll be fun.' He insisted, practically tugging on my arm.

If I said no to him I wouldn't be very much of a good girlfriend would I?

'Alright i'll go with you.' I replied, to which he grabbed my arm and pulled me along.

When we got there I saw Zach and Alex sitting on the couch playing a video game, Bryce and Justin were play fighting by the bar.

'Wassup Monty.' Bryce greeted him with a hand shake, he then turned to me, eyeing me down which made me uncomfortable.
'Hey Clair.'

'Hey Bryce.' I said quietly and made my way over to the couch. I sat next to Alex who seemed very into the game.

'You're a good shot.' I complimented him as he shot one of Zach's team members.

Alex chuckled. 'It's called lots of practice.'

Monty came over to sit beside me on the couch holding a bong in his hand. 'Here have a hit.' He said gesturing to the bong.

'No i'm good.' I told him, I tried to use a tone of voice that wouldn't make it into a big deal.

'Oh come on, don't be a pussy.'

'No Monty i'm good.'

'Come on, Clair.' He practically forced the thing into my hands.

That was when Zach piped up. 'Don't force her to do something she doesn't want to do, she said no!'

I looked at Zach whose brows were knotted in concern, everyone had grown silent due to his outburst.

I then turned to see Monty, he seemed confused by Zach's outburst but shrugged it off.

After a short moment, I put the bong to my lips and took a breath in while Monty lit it for me, I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

Once I inhaled the smoke I removed the bong from my mouth and then I exhaled the smoke.

Then I began having a coughing fit like a like a extremely sick old man.

'Nice.' Justin said taking the bong from my hands. 'Pretty good for your first time.'

For the rest of the night I sat there silently, occasionally sharing conversation with Alex, but for the most part silent.

Zach offered to drive me home and we sat their in silence, for the first half of the drive.

'You know you didn't have to do that.' Zach stated, keeping his eyes on the road infront of him.

I snorted. 'Yeah well if I didn't I wouldn't hear the end of it.'

'You're making it out like you didn't have a choice, Clair.'

'Well what was I supposed to do, I tried to say no!'

'And after I said she doesn't have to have it you hit it anyways!' Zach yelled, his grip on the steering wheel tightened.

I sat there in shock, I had never heard Zach raise his voice before. Usually he is like a big friendly teddy bear.

'Look, I just don't want to see a good girl like you getting hurt.' He apologised, his voice was much softer now.

I bit my lip and nodded slowly. 'I know you are, but I can look after myself. Don't worry about me.'

But I knew I was lying.

I couldn't keep this promise.

I couldn't look after myself, I could barely stand up for myself to those boys.

And I think Zach knew it too.

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