The Date-Chapter Eleven

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'Good run, Clair.' Coach called out to me as I jogged off the track to my gym bag.

'Thanks coach.' I replied and grabbed my water bottle, splashing it on my face to cool me down after the run.

I went to walk off with the rest of the girls when I noticed Zach was following me.

'Hey Clair, I wanted to talk to you.' He said as he came up to me.

I stopped in my tracks and faced him, folding my arms across my chest. 'What about?'

'Because you have been ignoring me.'

'Thought you were too busy with Hannah Baker to notice.' I mocked in a patronising tone and went to continue walking away but Zach stood in my way.

'Look Bryce paid me ten bucks as a dare to try and get Hannah Baker to go out with me as a joke. We didn't even let the guys in on the joke until after she let me down.'

My heart dropped, I had gone crazy on Hannah for no reason.

'Oh.' Was all I could manage to say.

'Yeah oh.' Zach repeated and he licked his lips while we stayed silent for a moment.

I tried to pull back my hair behind my ears as the heavy wind blew it in my face.

'Actually I had something to ask you.' He begun. 'I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date.'

Finally the words I had longed for finally slipped out of his mouth.

'Sure i'd love to, how about Friday?' I suggested, playing it off cooly.

'Friday sounds good to me.'

'Well i'll see you then.' And with that I walked off back to the cheer squad.

I would love to say that Friday night came quickly, but this time of year I was flooded with Assignments.

However, my tutoring lessons with Zach had been paying off as I had gone from below a C to a B in Biology.

In English class I could feel Hannah eyeing me down the whole session. I get what I said to her was wrong but couldn't she just forget it, like everyone else does?

I wanted to gain the courage to apologise to her, but I was a coward and cared too much about others thought.

I liked to always claim I was better than Monty and his crue, but I wasn't any better.

In maths that day none of my usual friends were in class so I decided to sit next to Justin.
Although we usually sit with Justin and the other boys on the table, it's never just us two alone.

'Hurry up and sit down Clair, you're late as it is.' My teacher grumbled at me and I quickly took the seat next to him.

Justin muffled his laugh, by placing a hand over his mouth.

'What's so funny?' I hissed at the jock boy, shrugging off my Liberty jersey and placing it on the back of my chair.

Justin raised his hands up in protest. 'Hey I wasn't laughing.'

I rolled my eyes at him and pulled out my textbook, then looking up at the board. Nothing in my book matched what was on the board at all, no matter how much I flicked through it.

'What the fuck is this shit?' I whispered leaning over to Justin.

He looked just as clueless as me. 'I have no idea.'

Both our phones buzzed at the same time and we looked down seeing texts from Jess.

She was throwing a party and was making sure everyone could save the date.

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