Chapter 1: Reaping Day 12

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It was the morning of the reaping day, and District 12 was terrified. All of the citizens were queing up and walking to penned off areas in the main square for each age group. A tall and menacingly large young man with light blond hair and mysterious almost purple eyes stalked through the crowed searching for a "friend" of his. No one stood in his way, afraid of what he might do to them, although he smiled innocently to the world.

Now where was that pathetic little Toris? He really didn't think he could escape him, did he? The blonde only wanted to chat anyway. He searched through the crowd until he finally spotted a nervous, sort of broken looking young man with long brown hair and kind green eyes. Noticing the larger one, the brunette tried in vain to hide himself and hide himself in the crowd, but to no avail.The tall man moved with great speed and pinned him against a wall.

"Where do you think you are going Toris?" He smiled cheerfully. Toris gulped and laughed nervously. "J-just to the reaping, y-you know... A-aren't you? W-what's wrong Ivan?" Ivan continued to smile, but there was something dangerous, a hidden glare in his eyes that Toris knew meant he was done for. "You are going to do something for me, Toris, and if you do not, well you can just use your imagination."

Toris was now standing in a crowd of people his age, though despite the mass of people around him, he could still see Ivan, still smiling. Toris had always hated that about him. He had been pushed around by Ivan his entire life. He knew how cruel and sadistic the blonde could be, but it was almost tormenting that no matter the beast that rested within him, Ivan could smile as if he were the most innocent person in the world. Though there was always something off about that smile that sent shivers down Toris' spine.

Everyone's attention turned to the stage as someone tapped on the microphone. A young Toris couldn't quite tell. The extensive make-up and flashy dress threw him off. But then again, he was talking about someone from the Capitol...

"Like, welcome everyone to the 100th annual Hunger Games!" He (Toris decided he was a man) spoke rather cheerfully, seemingly oblivious to just how sick and twisted the Games were. How anyone could find the morbid competition amusing was beyond Toris.
"Now it's, like, time to for us to pick the two like totally brave tributes to represent District Twelve!" The cross dressing blonde smiled excitedly.
Toris gulped, thinking over his encounter with Ivan earlier and his promise. If either of Ivan's sisters were to be called up, he was expected to volunteer in their place.
"For our first tribute..." The young man on stage dove his slender hand into the enormous glass bowl filled with the names of each citizen in District 12. He ran his fingers through the pale slips of paper until finally deciding on one. He opened it.
"Ivan Braginski!"
The crowd parted way allowing the intimidating figure to make his way calmly to the stage. "You called?" He continued with his unnerving smile and took his place next to the the announcer who welcomed him up, seemingly unfazed by his menacing presence.
"Now let's, like, move on to tributes number two!"
Toris was now trembling. If he were to be put in the Games with that...that monster, he was done for... "Not me." He pleaded quietly. "Please anyone but me." The brunet got his wish.
"Natalya Braginski! Ooh! It looks likes we have sibling rivalry!" Toris could feel Ivan glaring down at him, though he didn't know of the blondes secret fear. Natalya frightened Ivan like nothing else did, and was probably the only person alive who could prove a serious obstacle for him in the games.
Toris panicked, unsure of what to do. What were the chances of Ivan surviving the Hunger Games, anyway?
Most likely, he would be one of the 23 tributes that ended up brutally killed and the fearful young man would not have to worry about his wrath.
But a chill ran over him, a paranoid possibility that wracked his body with anxiety. What if Ivan did manage to win? He was the scariest guy Toris knew, and certainly could pull off such a feat. If Ivan survived, Toris was a dead man.
He gulped before making his decision. "I volunteer!" Up on stage, Ivan gave him a smug smile of satisfaction.
The brunet was screaming on the inside. 'What the hell am I thinking? He's just going to kill me anyway!' But it was too late to revoke his announcement.
"What's that? Omg! We like totally have a volunteer! Like, what's your name?" He tilted the microphone towards Toris who was now on stage. "T-Toris... Toris Laurinaitis."
"Well, Toris, that was, like, so totally courageous of you!" Funnily enough, it was the brunet's cowardice that bound him to his promise.
The fabulous blonde turned to the audience "I present to you District Twelve's tributes for the 100th annual Hunger Games: Ivan Braginski and Toris Laurinaitis!"
Promptly, the two were then lead by a group of peacekeepers onto the train that was to take them to the Capital. "Like congrats you guys! This is totes going to be sooo much fun! Well, I, like, gtg! Enjoy all of this luxury, I'm sure it's much better than drab old District 12! Ttyl!" With that, he strutted out of the train car.
Once the duo was alone, Ivan grinned. "Toris, I thank you for volunteering for my little sister!" He then pulled him close. "But don't think this means I plan on leaving you alive."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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