~Leo x Tiered!Reader | Come And See Me~

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You were sleeping on your bed until you woke up to the sound of your phone going off, it sounded like you were getting a million text messages. You groaned as you tried to muffle out the noise with your pillow on your head, the noise still persisted. You eventually just shut off your phone so you couldn't hear the notifications anymore. You laid your head back on your pillow and fell asleep.

Leo was in the lair trying to text you, and It concerned him a little that you didn't text back. He questioned why you weren't responding and his brothers would just tell him that he was just being paranoid and that you were fine.

They knew something wouldn't happen to you, it's not because they didn't care but because they knew you were actually good at fighting ever since Leo decided to train you. One time when you participated in a free for all in the dojo, they were all more than surprised when you were the last one standing, which made Leo proud.

Leo still wanted to be a hundred percent sure, so he left the lair to check up on your apartment. He hopped from rooftop to rooftop and mentally prayed that he would find you safe in your apartment and that this apprehensive feeling in his gut was nothing. When he finally made it he tapped on your window.

"(Y/n), it's me Leo. You in there?" No response. Leo persisted until he realized the window was actually unlocked, just his luck. He walked in to see you laying on your bed, your lamp dimly lit the room with the warm color and vibe it was giving off.

Leo sighed in relief and walked over to your sleeping figure. He saw how your back rose and sunk slowly with each inhale you took in and how a few sections of your hair covered your face. He brushed them away gently as he admired your gorgeous face while you were in your deep slumber.

He eventually knelt down at the side of your bed as he started to play with your hair while being careful not to wake you. God, you were the most beautiful girl he had ever met in his whole life, whenever you were around he could feel his heart melt. You were fun, smart, beautiful, Leo could make the list go on forever if he could.

You moved a little as you let out a small groan, which made Leo back his hand away. The action reminded him that he should most likely leave and head back to the lair before he woke you up by accident.

However, as Leo was about to get up from his knees he felt your hand grab his arm and you pulled him into your bed. You were still asleep so you really had no idea what you were doing. You hugged Leo tightly, and you unintentionally pressed his face against your chest which made Leo's face burn up like a smoldering fire.

Leo's mind drew a blank, he didn't know what to do in this situation but the feeling of your warm body against his made him feel amazing. Your arms around him relaxed his mind. He felt all of his nerves soften as he wrapped his arms around your waist and he brought you down to his level, your arms around each other was enough to put him into a deep slumber as well.


A few hours later and your eyes fluttered open. You yawned as you stretched out your limbs but you felt something else was on your bed and you realized Leo was sleeping right next to you. You were surprised but you relaxed as you smiled a little, you leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. You laid back down as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

'Guess I'm taking the day off.' You thought to yourself as you fell back asleep.


Haha devil number

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