Chapter 51

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I woke up and I was hungry Aizawa told me that I have to eat a lot so I started eating

I was very full I just sat down on the floor and sleep

Kacchan POV:

I was at the front door when I realized that didn't have the key so I called my husband

Calling my little broccoli 🥦. . . .

Ugh.... hello?

Hey babe I need you to open the door please

I'm on my way... wait -I heard him start running and went to the bathroom to throw up

Hey.... hey!


Are you ok ?

Oh shit I forgot to open the door

Call ended

3rd POV:

Izuku slowly opens the door a saw his very beautiful husband

K-hey are you ok?!?

I- yeah why not?

K- because you were throwing up?

I-ahh yes about that I need to talk to you


I-take a bath and we can talk

K-oh yeah dammit I forgot ha!- leaves

Kacchan took a bath and Izuku went to the bed to wait for him

Bakugo finished taking a bath and went to Deku

K-hey babe what you wanted to talk abou-he saw that Deku was sleeping

Kacchan ignored the fact that his husband needed to talk to him and went to sleep by his side

The next day

Izuku slowly woke up by someone named Kacchan

K- hey.... Izu wake up wake up I made breakfast

I-mmm... what hour is it?- he said with a sleepy voice

K- 12:30

I-... ah! Shit is afternoon already!

K-hey... calm down the three of us are waiting in the living room you wanted to talk to us right?

I- ahh... yes I... am

Izuku and Kacchan went to the living room and they were waiting for Izuku to talk

D-so! What are the news?!?!?!?

I- I-I u-uh

K-take a deep breath ok?

I-nods- I am pregnant...-his head was down-

D-wow. Like real shit wow.


I-recovery girl and Aizawa told me that the blob thingy can give me the power to have children but the thing is instead of 6 months of pregnancy I'll be 9 like a woman

Kiri-so men can get pregnant?


Kiri- well, denki babe we have a lot of work to do let's go!- carries denki bride style

D- congrats You two! I'm going to be an uncle Ahhh! Kiri!

I-hahaha have fun!

K-i-i better get to work

I-nods- sorry-whispers-he got up and went to his room and started to cry then after a hour I called Aizawa and told him everything

A-tch that brat,wait for him the next day and if he talks to you talks to him, stay calm you don't want to harm the baby remember you are not alone on this

I- o-ok -I have to hang up bye-


Izuku was downstairs waving at kirishima and denki they were leaving today

I- remember come back and visit me!

D-sure thing!


I-bye!-closes the door

It was already night and Izuku was still crying and then he slowly goes to sleep in the couch

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