Chapter 46

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I-you are welcome-he said with a fake smile

Kiri- hey Midoridude I have a question to ask you...


K-why does bakubro isn't here? Are you in a fight or something?

I- Jej, we're not in a fight well maybe but is not the case why he isn't here... he is working and he is coming late for three months but un two weeks his nightly shifts are over!

K- oh.... ok and you are mad with him?

I- well... a little bit I've been throwing up a bit and everything I eat I instantly throw it up he said I've look a little bit pale...

D-you look pale tho, but what did he say?

I- he said that I need to go to the hospital and told him that I just ate something out of date And since that day I've been in the very uncomfortable couch jeje-he said scratching his head-

Izuku's sleeve rolled down a bit and revealed his arms with bandages Denki noticed but he just rub it off

I- I'm going to take a bath and then make dinner feel comfortable!- he said with a sweet but fake smile


Izuku was going upstairs with a slowly and calm pace to his bathroom to take a bath when he closed the door the two boys in the living room were talking

D- Did you saw Izu's arms?

K-yeah... did he started doing it again?

D- I don't think so but who knows...

Izuku POV:

I was slowly going to my room my feet were killing me... I needed a hot bath I entered my room and it was very quiet...


You are such a fatty!

You're such a fatty that even your pants doesn't fit!

Ha! Loser

You should try cutting maybe that will help you lose weight...

Yeah cut!

Do it!

Cut! Cut! Cut!

Ugh! I hate those voices but they are right tho I'm very fat...

I went to a drawer and took some hidden razors I went to the bathroom and started cutting





I stopped cutting that arm and went for the other one



He is cheating on you

He doesn't love you

I stopped. I started to brake down I was crying on the floor I was silently screaming and thinking that I've should've died a log time ago

5 minutes I was standing up and walking to the bathtub I quickly washed off the blood in my hands and took a bath

Time skip 30 minutes later
3rd POV:

Izuku already took a bath and bandaged his arms he put a light blue hoodie and some cozy grey pants he was heading downstairs and saw Kirishima and Denki kissing very passionate

I-oh guys don't do it in the living room! You have a guest room for that! Oh... forgot to tell you jeje...-he said with a fake nervous smile

K- no problem dude!

D- can we watch a lot of movies until we fell asleep?!?

I-yes we can, but first I'm going to make food so you could eat it when you guys watch the movie

D- ok!

Izuku made katsudon because is was the only thing that he could do without burning it

I-here is your food! Denks what movie did you picked?

D-I picked stitch and Lilo

I- ok! Here - hands them the bowls with katsudon

K- hey... bro aren't you going to eat?

I-e-eh... nope! I'm not hungry!-he said with a fake smile

Time skip midnight
Izuku pov:

I've noticed that the guys were getting sleepy so I told them to go to the guest room

I stayed in the couch watching movies and then someone came at the door

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