Chapter 49

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K- I will take him to the hosp-


K- Kirishima!! Take Izuku to the hospital and come back call Aizawa and recovery girl NOW!

Kiri- ok- carries Izuku princess style and runs to the car

He was driving as quickly as he could and called Aizawa

Calling Dadzawa . . . .


Hey is Kirishima we have an emergency Midoriya fainted and he has blood between his legs Bakugo told me to call you

I'm going to the hospital be there in 5- hangs up

Call ended

Kirishima was driving when he was already there recovery girl and Aizawa were there with a stretcher 🛏

Kiri- I have to go a villain is attacking the mall

A- ok go there and be safe


3rd POV:

Izuku was in a hospital being checking what have happened to him when they knew the were shocked

Time skip 30 minutes slater

Izuku slowly woke up with a headache

I-w-wha where am I?

A- you are in the hospital

I- why?

A- you were bleeding but we stopped it

I-tried to stand up but he felt a lot of pain in his belly-Ah!

A- you can't go now do you know what happened?


A- we need to make some exams and then you can leave, recovery girl will be doing the exams and I will be there only to say what we need to say

I- o-ok....

They went to a hospital room and it hat a big machine with a bed

RG-young Midoriya please lay on the bed-she said sweetly


RG-I'll be putting some cold gel in your belly and then I'm going to put this thing an it's going to hurt a little and then we will be sure to tell you what's the matter


Recovery girl did the things she did and then Aizawa told him what's the Matter

A-Midoriya you are pregnant

I- oh.... uh WAIT WHAT?!?

A- don't make harsh movements, you are 2 1/2 month pregnant

I- how....

RG- well you know these days men can get pregnant by the tipe of the quirks but someone gave you the opportunity to have a child

I- that blob thing

RG- that's right young boy, when you Had an intimate relationship with your husband that happened

I- so... I'm pregnant

RG-nods- the thing is you are in a very delicate state you almost had a natural abortion so you will be taking a time off from the hero and you will be on bed for a month you can only go to the bathroom and do walk to the house don't overdo it you can't use your quirk more than you already did, oh and very important a normal pregnant male their pregnancy is 6 months due this your pregnancy I going to be a little bit different the blob thing allowed you to be pregnant your pregnancy will be 9 months maximum the male pregnancy is very risky you have to be very careful


A- me and mic will be the grandparents

I- hahaha ok!... but what will happen when The baby is out?

A- you will still be the number 1 hero but you have to take a month to feed the baby bu then I will take care of the baby for you as my duty of grandpa

I-haha ok..- said crying- thank you so much...

A-you are very welcome- gives him a hug-

I..think I love you... (bakudeku)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя