Chapter 16

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Time skip (3 days)

B-please wake up-I was crying because I needed to see those beautiful green eyes he looked very skinny and very pail I could see the cheekbones from his beautiful face...

Heyyyy bakubro we brought pizzaaaaa!!! Let's  go eat-kirishima said and denki was there too-coming-I standed up and went to the cafeteria to eat with both of them....


Izuku POV:

I heard a "please wake up" but then I heard nothing I was slowly opening my eyes but a huge headache came like a massive wave and shut my eyes very fast but several minutes later I was already opening my eyes and finally I opened completely and I wasn't in my room anymore I was in a hospital I said in my mind -where am I??? I was looking everything in the room and I saw a lot of clothes bent and three backpacks I then realized that I was in a hospital-oh god this isn't good-I said to myself looking at the window

Then I heard that someone opened the door so I assumed that it was the doctor so didn't payed a lot of attention...

Deku?!?!?!?!?!?!-kacchan said

IZU???????-Denki said running towards me at the same time crying

He jumped over me and I moaned of pain-ah!-

B-GET OFF OF HIM!!!!!!-he grabs denki from the collar of his shirt and place him on the floor

Kami-w-w-wh-why d-did you did it


Kami-tell me dammit!

D-a little tear went down his face- I *cough* *cough* water *cough* *cough*

B-o-oh yeah here- Deku drank it all-t-thanks

Kami-w-why did you try to kill yourself

D-I-I *painful memories came trough his mind when the person violate Midoriya* n-no please no no not again No no no no no-he grabbed his head and he curled like a little ball and he was trembling-please no please stay away-he said crying

Bakugo tries to touch him-NO STAY AWAY Deku said crying-oh I'm sorry.... but I am tired can you please sleep today in the doors- he puts the blanket all over his body-see you another day

The three left

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