Leah Prime

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Name: Leah
Age- unknown
Gender: F
sexuality: Bi
Fraction: Autobot
Role: Prime, Leader
Sire: Alto (dead)
Carrier: Eirlys (dead)
Femmes: Xara
Mechs: Leo, Nathan
Sparkmate: DeathFire
Sparklings: none
Powers: Ice, Water
Current gift: none
Power: 9
Intelligence: 10
Speed: 7
Skill: 8
Courage: 7
Computer skills: 8
Fire power: 5 (sense she's the god of Ice)
Fighting- 9
Kindness- 10
Love- 9
Endurance- 8
Mother instinct- 7

Name: LeahAge- unknownGender: Fsexuality: BiFraction: AutobotRole: Prime, LeaderSire: Alto (dead)Carrier: Eirlys (dead)Sibs-Femmes: XaraMechs: Leo, NathanSparkmate: DeathFireSparklings: nonePowers: Ice, WaterCurrent gift: none-Rate-Power: 9Intelli...

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Leah was born in golden ages of cyberspark with her twin brother, her parents originally named her Fíntan and her brother Fín. Fíntan and Fín where twins, they did everything the same they where inseparable. Whatever the other did, they did to. When Xara was born Fíntan tought her many things, Fín stayed behind her teachings to their new sibling then Nathan was later born and the two where only 10 vorns old, while Xara was 5, Fín tought Nathan a lot of things when he was growing up, the siblings didn't fight a lot, only when they're sharing things.

Fíntan and Fín never hated each other, but Fín started to hate Fíntan a little when they got their spirit and powers, his power was Ice and her's where both Water and Ice, their creaters payed more attention on her when she had double and sorta ignored the other, Fíntan noticed not so long ago and always taught her twin what their parents taught her. They kpet doing this and then soon started to their siblings. Though Fín had to do it more to them because their creaters where training her to be a Prime, though she never wanted to become a leader...
When the two where in their adult-teens ages, Fín got in the arenas and fought a lot, Fíntan studied and became a librarian, though it was her part-time job so she could get away from her studies of Prime. She never understood why her parents wanted her to become a Prime, she thought her brother would be a better Prime. Whenever Fín came home their creaters would always argue with him, Fíntan wouldn't understand it. Though she taught him the steps of being a Prime so he would show who they where messing with to their creaters. Nathan always helped out Fíntan in her studies and actually enjoyed the work, Xara would always mess around with their studies, she was like another version of Fín. She was a gladiator and he was to. Her power was Water. Though no matter how many times that Fín fought, Fíntan would always beat him when they fought. It was quite funny.

Not every happy relationship stays the same...the day, the day she was crowned Prime and was given the Leadership of Matrix, Fín changed. On her crowning day, Fín objected of her being a Prime. If she was to become a Prime then he will to, after all, they where twins. Non-separatale. But the high council denied it and Fíntan still became a Prime, she never wanted to become one in the first place heck! If he fate was to be a Prime she will find a way to destory that fate. Fín left but Fíntan saw one last glance at him as the Prime crown went on her head. What she didn't know was that the evilness has already started to him corruptied.

When war broke out with the decepticons and Autobots. Her friends and little brother Nathan joined her without thinking twice, though her younger sister, Xana. Joined her brother because of the history they had together, and maybe she will be able to convince him to snap out of it. After becoming prime, she changed her name to 'Leah' so she doesn't remember her past. Though war really didn't break out just yet, she still tried to reason with her brother. She stilled believed

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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