Revealed Secrets

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"What does he mean?" 

"Is he telling the truth?"

I bit my tongue. "He is one of them." I whispered. 

"One?" I nodded.

"He left me for drugs when I was younger than mom blamed me for his leaving and my dad just helped her with the blame." I spoke.

"What do you mean?" My father asked.

"I mean they abused me. Verbally, emotionally, psychologically, physically." I spoke. 

They all looked at me. "Cameron was in a car crash. My last boyfriend. I went to see him got his family called in. The police officer saw me getting beaten up, I can't fight back on school grounds. Not even through self defense. The police officer told me I had to pull a restraining order on them so they would no longer bug me. Cameron lost his shit when he found out that I lied to him when I told them they stopped. The next day I came in they had to take photos of the marks and how long they stayed. But I tried to refuse. They found new bruises. I said I fell down the stairs. But they knew it was something else. They knew it was my parents. Cameron went ballistic. After toughing it up we were at the hospital and I fainted. When I came to Cameron was mad at me for keeping secrets. But in the end he had to do something as well as the police officers. That's when-" I choked on my own breath looking at them all nervously gulping. 

"That's when Cameron's father tried to rape me. I fought back. As soon as I got him off me I ran to the reception desk... I thought she would be there... I was right, just in the worse way. She was dead." I spoke. 

"Soon after we finally got back to our normal lives. I was taken and brought here. We escaped because we hate being treated like prisoners or test subjects." I spoke for them. 

"But they have agreed to treat us how we should be treated as long as we don't escape." 

"They wanted to train you, but I declined and said I would train you. One on one and group teachings." 

"Are you crazy?"

"Why would you trade all of our freedom!" 

"look, I gave them my word. Until your willing to trust me, you won't be able to get out of these cells." I spoke hinting. 

Soon I felt someone knocking in my mind. I looked at her than sat down with my legs crossed. Closing my eyes. "Tell them we are still going to escape. I need them to understand we have to pretend to be on their side. So this way they will give us or at least me full access. Which means the sooner you cooperate the sooner I will find the taken girl. Then we all plan to escape. Tell the others. They may not understand but this facility is bigger than I originally thought. Meaning we need to start acting better. The more better they treat us the better chances we will have to fake prove our loyalty." I Spoke in my mind towards her. 

I waited for a moment as they started quieting down. One by one. I looked over to see them open my cell. "Are they with you?"

I looked at them as they nodded. "Yes, Like I said, they will trust me. Because I don't break my promises. Something you still haven't learned." I sighed walking with them. 

"First you will have to fight so we know you can train them." I nodded. 

"That's fair. But don't come crawling to me if I hurt someone." I warned them. 

He chuckled. "Feisty spirit." You have no idea. 

"Let's get started shall we?" He said as we opened the doors to a new room. 


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