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According to legend, the island of Jorvik was once nothing more than a desolate rock in the cold dark sea until one stormy night a star fell from the sky

As the star struck down, its embers glowed against the dark night.

Suddenly, a girl on horseback sprang forth from the dying flames.

She rode gracefully across the surface of the stormy water, leaving calm and stillness in her wake.

In her right hand she carried a light.

The girl and her horse reached Jorvik's bleak and lifeless shores, and she cast down her light in the very center of the island.

Immediately waves of life began to surge across the island.

And all that was once cold and dark was brought to life with warmth and light.

And the legend has it, that in great despair and darkness, a girl will once again appear on horseback to bring light and hope to those who believe all is lost.

With a close eye on the legend, Jorvik has always cherished its strong and lasting bond with its horses.

And some say they are the very soul of the island.

She'd come to Jorvik to spend the summer at Moorland Stables. Hoping to spend the rest of her life with the horses. 

Might she be that girl?

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