then he heard it again, only this time it was much louder. it sounded like a cat.

"yoongi?!" taehyung pushed his phone back inside his pocket and picked up the grocery bags as he frantically looked around trying to find where the sound was coming from. "yoongi?!" he shouted. then he heard it again, only much closer.

taehyung listened for the sound of the cat again and was about to call out his name again, but he stopped once he noticed a person walking towards him. they had a leash in their hand as they walked a fluffy white dog. in the other person's hand, they were carrying the cat.

"yoongi!" taehyung cried out as he ran towards the cat.

"i'm sorry if i scared you by taking your cat. i was just walking by and my dog wouldn't stop barking at a bush, so i had to see what was behind it. i assumed someone left it hidden because of the no pet policy, so i took it with me to make sure nothing bad happened to your cat. i'm sorry if i scared you."

taehyung studied the person as he retrieved yoongi from their arms. he was sporting an all blue outfit with a handbag slung over his shoulder and his brown hair matched his chocolate-colored eyes. his hair was also pushed back, revealing his forehead. a few strands of hair lingered there, making him look more attractive in taehyung's eyes. 

"well, i'm glad yoongi is okay." taehyung said as he quickly wiped the wet tears from his eyes.

"i really scared you, didn't i?"

"yeah..." taehyung admitted.

"I'm really sorry. i can make it up for you, though if you want. maybe we can exchange phone numbers and whenever we're not busy we can hang out with our pets."

taehyung was not going to say no, especially when this person was really attractive. "yeah, that sounds fun." he said as he fished out his phone and handed it to the attractive guy. taehyung watched as the other person put in his number in his phone before handing it back to taehyung.

"my name is namjoon," he said as he smiled.

"i'm taehyung." taehyung introduced himself.

"again taehyung, i am very sorry for scaring you. i just wanted your cat to be safe. i also noticed that his leg is injured, but he doesn't have a cast." namjoon said.

"it's okay," taehyung said as he looked down at the cat in his arm. his thumb rested against the cat's head so he rubbed behind the cat's ears making the cat purr and lean more into taehyung's touch. "i'm just glad he's okay now. his doctor also said that he didn't need a cast. his injury would heal on its own."

"i see," namjoon said as he looked at the taehyung interact with his cat. "is his name yoongi?" he asked as he recalled taehyung calling the cat yoongi.

"yes, his name is yoongi." taehyung said before moving his eyes to namjoon's white fluffy dog. "what's your dog's name?"

"his name is rapmon."

taehyung smiled at the dog as he set down his groceries and petted the dog. "wow, he's so soft."

hearing this, the cat in taehyung's arms hissed.

"what? are you jealous that i called his fur soft too?" taehyung asked as he turned to his cat.

namjoon laughed. "it's okay yoongi, i think your fur is soft too."

taehyung swore his heart melted. not only was namjoon so attractive, but he also had a beautiful laugh and smile.

"i should get going now. i got to get home and feed rapmon." namjoon said.

taehyung pulled his hand away from rapmon's fur and picked up his groceries once again. "i should get going too."

"again, i am really sorry if i scared you. i just wanted to keep yoongi safe." namjoon said.

"it's okay, i'm just glad he's okay now."

taehyung was really glad that yoongi was back with him. he had really panicked trying to find him and almost called jimin.

but taehyung was even more glad about meeting namjoon.


One of the most Namjoon boyfriend pictures 🥺

One of the most Namjoon boyfriend pictures 🥺

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