Chapter 19🏍️

Beginne am Anfang

"Kunle my son, how are you?" Came his rich deep voice.

"I'm fine sir, how is mummy and the rest of the family?"

"All fine my boy, how is your troublesome father?"

"He is ok sir. I know it's weekend and you are off today but I have a request." I paused, waiting for his indication to continue.

"Go on, what is it?"

"My personal assistant Is missing."

"Well then, you need to come over to the house so we can talk about your missing girlfriend."

"My personal assistant sir," I corrected with a sigh.

"Girlfriend, personal assistant, they are all the same just come over."

"I will be in the house with a friend of hers." Ignoring his comment I hung up and stood to make preparation.


I headed into the two-story building of the Coker's with Monica trailing behind me.

The girl was hazardous and should have a warning notice placed at the back of her head. The moment she stepped out of her apartment into my car she tried peeling my flesh with her long nails, accusing me of making her friend's life a living hell. An accusation that had me thinking, maybe I took things too far.

We were directed to the study room of the commissioner where he sat waiting patiently with a glass of wine. We exchanged pleasantries and took the seats across him.

"So is this your personal assistant?" He asked, pointing to Monica.

"No, this is her close friend Monica," I said, correcting the white beard man in a black T-shirt.

"No family members?" He switched on a recorder and directing his question to Monica.

"None sir, her parents are late both died in a plane crash a year ago." She paused. "She has a  sister who is just fourteen, her relations took everything after her parent's death. So no relative sir.

I stared in awe, taking in all the information. Grace has been my assistant for months and the only information I could boost of knowing was the fact she worked in a club and the information she submitted during her job application.

The commissioner nodded at this piece of information. "No boyfriend?"

"None sir, but her ex-boyfriend is in prison," Monica explained.

I adjusted my collar and folded the sleeves of my shirt. She really was single.

"Why is he in prison?" I inquired.

"Well, he tried raping Natalie Grace's sister." Her voice was several degree cold and her eyes burnt with anger.


"Is she having issues with anyone you know?" The commissioner continued his questions section.

"Actually yes, this mister sitting next to me." She pointed at me.

Confused, I turned from her to the commissioner who gave me a funny but curious gaze.

"I need the name of her ex-boyfriend in jail and if you can think of anyone you believe she's having issues with, you write it down." He stood, took out a paper and pen from the shelf behind him and gave them to Monica.

"I need to talk to Kunle, my dear can you wait in the living room?" He said, switching off the recorder.

She nodded and walked out of the study room but not without giving me a stony stare.

It's official she hates me, but who cares.

"I don't really see any need to file a missing person report now," He said, the moment she slammed the door shut.

"So I will advise we wait for another twenty-four hours if nothing then you call me. Meanwhile, I will check on her ex-boyfriend and keep you updated," he continued, standing from his position behind the desk.

"Thank you sir," I said, as we processed out of the office.

"No problem, just tell your dad he is indebted to me and the only way out is a game of golf," He said as we sauntered into the sitting room where Monica and aunty Maggi seemed to have kicked things off.

"You must stay for dinner Kunle and you too Monica," Aunty Maggi said, taking her eyes off Monica.

"No Mami, maybe next time. I just came back from Abuja and I need to rest." I declined her offer with a smile.

"Next time then." The disappointment in her eyes was enough to make me change my mind, but not today.

She followed us out of the building and watched us drove away.


Loving A Stripper (Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt