Chapter Ten

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 “Her daddy was a mean old mister

Mama was an angel in the ground

The weather man called for a twister

She prayed blow it down” - Blown Away, Carrie Underwood

one week later


Les hasn't left her room much since the tour announcement. If I had to guess, she's probably wishing she had just gone into foster care. Better then traveling all around two continents with a bunch of lads she doesn't really know.

Niall's with her right now. I'm too worried to even be jealous.

“Liam?” Harry asks. The lads are over at my flat again, except for Zayn. He's gone out somewhere.

“What?” I reply, and the word comes out sounding almost angry. I instantly feel bad. None of this is Harry's fault.

“You're worried about her, aren't you?” he asks softly. I just nod. And then he pulls me closer to him on the couch, into a hug. And it makes me feel better, just a little.

Knowing that Harry's here for me.

“I just . . . how's she going to deal with the tour?” I say, not really expecting an answer. “All the crowds, the fans . . . it's crazy for me, and we've been doing this for more then a year.”

“You'll be with her” Harry says. “She trusts you.”

“She trusts Niall more” I mumble. Sorry, scratch what I said before. I am really worried. But the jealousy still gets me.

“But you rescued her” Harry points out. “When her dad was doing all that messed up shite to her, you quite literally saved her life.”

“I almost got her killed saving her life” I say. “You know why her dad attacked her with that knife? Because I went to their flat looking for her.”

“It wasn't your fault” Harry says. “You didn't know.”

“I know” I say. “But I'll still blame myself.”

“And now she'd probably be dead” Harry says. “She would've tried to jump again, and you wouldn't have been there to stop her.”

“Why don't you like her?” I ask him. He finally lets me out of the hug. And he won't meet my eyes.

“She's different then I thought she'd be” he says. “I thought it'd be weird. Having a girl here. After . . .”

Nobody's brought up my ex for a long time. And I'm surprised to find out that it doesn't hurt anymore. I don't care about her. I just care about Les.

“It's not that weird” I say. “I thought it would be, too. But it's not.”

“I like her” Harry assures me. “And I support you two, if that helps.” I shrug.

“It'll help if she ever gets back to normal” I reply. And then Niall comes running into the room.

“Liam” he says. I look up; his eyes are wide and panicked. I stand up quickly. “Les just got a call, and now she's not talking at all. I need you.”



“Les?” Niall says. “Why won't you talk to me?” I shrug.

“Don't want to” I mumble.

“I wish we didn't have to drag you on tour” he says softly. “I really, really wish we didn't but we have no choice.”

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