Chapter Thirteen

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 “I cannot spend another night in this home

I close my eyes and take a breath real slow

The consequence is if I leave I'm alone

But what's the difference when you beg for love?” - Hell Above, Pierce The Veil


We leave Les in the waiting room during the interview. It goes smoothly, and then back through the crowd and onto the tour bus. The other boys are loud and raucous, but Les is silent, in her bunk, curtain drawn.

I'm worried that this is all too much for her.

I should have never brought her on the tour.

“Hey, Liam, whatcha thinkin' about?” Niall asks me, jolting me out of my thoughts and worry. I glance at him, before looking back out the window.

“Les is a curtain away but I feel like she's a world away” I whisper. Niall drops into the seat next to me, and places a hand gently on my shoulder.

“She's been through a lot” he says. “And she doesn't seem to like people much.” I snort.

“That's the understatement of the year” I say.

“Hey, guys, watch this!” Louis shouts.

“That's something you never want to hear on a tour bus” Niall whispers to me, making me laugh. We both turn to see what stupid thing Louis' decided to do this time.

Which is throw a watermelon at Harry's head.



There were so many people. Everywhere. And there's going to be a concert tonight with even more people that would probably trample me in their quest to get to the boys.

It doesn't take long to get to our next stop, seeing as the concert is in Bristol as well. I leave my bunk to the bright lights and screaming people. Liam hides me under his coat again as we run to the hotel. It's only noon, and the concert isn't until eight tonight, so we get to spend some time in the calmness of our hotel room. I get my own, I'm not allowed to share with any of the boys. I wish I was with Liam. I mean, we already share a flat.

I take out the mobile that I'm still not thinking of as mine. It's nice. Of course. Liam's rich, he can afford the best of the best. But I didn't want an iPhone. I didn't want a phone at all.

“Knock knock!” someone shouts from outside my door, accompanied by a knock on the door. “It's Niall, the cute Irish one. Can I come in?”

“Sure” I say softly, and then I shout it, realizing he wouldn't hear my whisper. The door swings open and Niall charges in, flopping on my bed and nearly missing hitting me.

“So how's the tour treating you so far?” he asks. Before I can answer, he's chattering on about something else. “Ooh, is that the mobile Liam bought you? D'you have a Twitter, that would be cool if you did.” He's silent for a moment before I realize there was a question hidden in all of that.

“I don't have a whatever-that-is” I say. “What is it?”

“A twitter?” Niall asks. I nod. “How d'you not know what a twitter is? It's an app you can get on your phone, you can post these tweets that other people read. Actually, I don't really get the point of it, but our fans like it so we all have one. How have you not heard of twitter?”

“Daddy – I mean, Ian, he's not my daddy anymore – but he wouldn't let me on the internet, and I didn't have a mobile phone” I tell him. And I realize that this is the first time I've really talked about Daddy – Ian – to the lads. Maybe I should do it more.

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