Year 5 - Dates and Breakouts

Start from the beginning

"Nice hiding spot."

"Oh..shut it, Granger. Come on the quicker we get there the better we can hide from Pansy."

"Agreed. Come on." Hermione said and they left together.

In all honesty. The day was going smoothly. They talked, joked, and made fun of others of course. Hermione even tolerated being pushed into the broom shop so Draco could buy cleaner for his broom and listened as he bragged about getting better at quidditch and maybe this time could beat Harry by next year when Quidditch comes back. 

The book shop was fun especially when Draco started to get annoyed when she was taking forever so she decided to pick the largest and most expensive book to show him sadly she knew it wasn't going to make a dent in his account as he bragged.

When lunch rolled around they went to the three broomsticks where Draco obviously treated her in thanks as they just talked when the others showed up.

"OHHHHH what do we have here? A Granger and a Malfoy. Draco I'm sure your Grandfather is rolling in his grave and if your dad found out you might be homeschooled next year. And just when your finally getting better at quidditch." Theo smirked with his arm wrapped around Daphne's shoulder. 

Draco scowled at him, "Just sit down."

"Gladly!" Daphne said and they joined them.

"Where's Blaze?" Hermione questioned.

"Oh entertaining the Patil twins." Theo casually stated.

"Both of them?!" Draco shocked questioned.


"Good for him he deserves a fire-whiskey for that," Draco said.

"Not likely you have to get it past Madam Rosmerta," Daphne said then Blaze came strolling in looking happy.

"You're way too happy to be here," Theo stated at Blaze.

" want details how about when I..."


" after lunch right?"

"That would be good," Daphne said and Theo looked at her.

" nasty Daphne no wonder Theo likes you so much." Blaze remarked.

"Just sit down you mutant!" Daphne snapped and he smirked before joining them.

"So how long has Pansy been here glaring at you guys?" Blaze questioned as Draco and Hermione looked behind them to see a glaring Pansy sitting clutching her glass hard and they wondered how it hasn't shattered yet.

"So you're telling me you two didn't notice Pansy there the entire time watching you?" Daphne questioned and the two shrugged.

"It's a good thing you warded your bed you may end up dead," Daphne said. 

"Like she could even touch me."

Soon the door opened again and Harry walked in and looked around spotting Hermione and waved her over.

"Sorry, guys I have to go. See you in the common room later."

The others just waved and watched her leave with Potter.

"You just lost your girl to Potter," Theo smirked.

"What are you talking about," Draco glared.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. It just seems strange that in this short amount of time you completely forgot about Pansy when she is literally right behind you. If looks can kill you would be dead." Theo took a drink.

"What do you think Potter wants," Draco questioned ignoring Theo's comments.

Daphne smirked and leaned back and whispered to the other two boys, "Jealous. I'm telling you now. Who wants to bet on them later."

Blaze leaned in and whispered back, "later. We can get some others on it too. We will be rich."

The three smirked and looked back at Draco. 

"By the way stay with me so I can still avoid Parkinson."

While with Harry and Hermione they talked while walking back to Hogwarts.

"It's just I had my first lesson with Snape and it just hit me when he saw certain memories or my old dreams.  I keep having this recurring dream and I recognize the's the department of mysteries. I asked Snape about it but he kicked me out before anything was answered. And later when I was walking I had a vision and I know this sounds crazy, but it seems like Voldemort is happy."

"Hmm...this could mean many things, Harry."

"I know but...I know you don't want to hear about my problems much, but your one of the only ones that listens and doesn't try to "fix me" in some way. You listen and maybe help me solve whatever it is that's happening."

 "We really don't have much information to go on Harry we just have to wait and see," Hermione stated and they walked in silence for a bit before she talked again. "So Potter what do you think about the new Educational Decree that Umbridge posted?"

"What is it now...we can't walk two-class without being ten feet apart from other people?" Harry sarcastically said.

"It bans teachers from talking with the students about anything other than their subjects and how she can dismiss any teacher she wants at any time. The Slytherins have a bet going on, on which teacher is going to be dismissed first Hagrid or Trelawney."

" thing you know we have to get signed permission from her to talk in the Great Hall," Harry said.

"Don't give her ideas Potter."

" me I won't."

The rest of the day went by quickly and everything was normal in the morning except for the Daily Prophet arrived and that changed the whole dynamic on the Great Hall. The tile MASS BREAKOUT AT AZKABAN. On the front page and under that was Bellatrix Lestrange's picture for all to see. She looked up at Neville who paled.  

Whatever was coming was coming quickly and had a foreboding feeling with it...


A.N.- I was excited for this chapter and had fun making it...I hope everyone who still reads this enjoys it and thank you so much for your support!


I have so many plans in the future and you guys are giving me the courage to actually do them so thank you for helping me open up a little bit!

Thank you.

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