VI. Doing Prep Work

Start from the beginning

Emerald: "No, that's it." She replies.

Ichigo's POV

Currently, Ichigo is in the Emerald Forest. He is slicing some trees and practicing a move he's been trying to replicate. He's throwing his blade straight at a tree like how his Inner Hollow threw his sword at him. He needs some sort of mid-range attack without using Getsuga Tenshou and decided this was the best way. He figured that he should try to add that sort of berserk and unpredictability to his style of fighting. While his is more of a 'learn and you go' type of fighting, his Hollow was more unpredictable, and he had trouble telling where he was going to strike next. Ichigo decided to add some of his moves to his arsenal, which is why he was using the cloth on the blade to swing Zangetsu and toss him at the trees. He decided to call this move 'Deadly Darts'. Ichigo also learned that if he misses, he can use cloth to change the sword's direction and try to hit the target once more. He can also quickly retract it by grabbing the cloth and withdraw the blade to just try again.

Ichigo: "Damn, this is harder than I thought!"

He misses a tree and the blade lands on the ground. Ichigo was about to pull the cloth to make his weapon come to him when he felt a strange sensation, like something was calling him. He had never felt this before, so he was confused.

Ichigo (thoughts): 'What is this? It's like something wants me to call it.'

Unconsciously, Ichigo closed his eyes and held his hand out to try to feel where this sensation was coming from. Suddenly, Zangetsu flung itself towards Ichigo's open hand like he was a magnet, so when Ichigo felt something in his hand, he immediately opened his eyes and was shocked to see Zangetsu.

Ichigo (thoughts): 'What the hell!? How the hell did Zangetsu just get to my hand? That's... strange. Let's see if it works again.' He thinks as he lays Zangetsu on the floor again.

He takes a few steps away from the sword and feels the similar calling again. This time, Ichigo held out his hand and still had his eyes open. Just like last time, Zangetsu suddenly flung itself towards Ichigo and he easily caught it.

Ichigo: "Sweet. That'll be useful. It could easily surprise my enemies, but what should I call it? How about..." he thinks for a moment. "Retract. Yeah, Retract sounds nice."

The Next Day

Ichigo didn't really know what to do today, so he went to the library. As he enters, he sees Blake at a terminal. He was about to say 'hi' when all of a sudden, she slammed her arms on the table and left while gazing at the floor. Ichigo really didn't want to deal with a mad Blake, so he just let her be.

Blake's POV

What Ichigo didn't know was that Yang was using a laser pointer until to led her behind a bookshelf. Blake's surprised when she sees Yang.

Yang: "Hellooo!" she sings as she waves at her.

Blake: "Wha-"

Yang: "We need to talk."

As soon as she said that, she dragged Blake with her to an empty lecture hall.

Blake: "Yang, if you're going to tell me to stop, you may as well just save your breath."

Yang: "I don't want you to stop." She sits cross-legged on the teacher's desk. "I want you to slow down."

Blake: "We don't have the luxury to slow down." she says while getting increasingly more annoyed.

Yang: "It's not a luxury, it's a necessity."

Blake: "The necessity is stopping Torchwick!" she retorts.

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