Chapter 24

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Beca's POV

I pull up to the address I had been given and placed into the gps. When I park the car, I lean back in my seat. Allowing my head to rest against the seat, closing my eyes a second. After a couple seconds I reopen them, pulling the key out of the ignition and reaching to the side, grabbing my phone. Quickly, I typed to the detective, giving her a quick explanation and the address where I was. When I'm done, I hit send and throw the phone across the car. After all that, my hand reaches to the handle, opening the door. I slide out of the car and look around the empty lot, seeing nothing but a run down warehouse that gave me chills just by the sight.

"Beca," I heard someone say. I turn looking to the left to see some figure leaning up against a pole. I stay where I am when I see them reach into their back pocket. Within a moment I realize it's a gun just as the trigger is pulled. Quickly, I duck and end up falling to the ground. Another round of gunshots are triggered and I turn quickly, going behind my car, taking a seat. More and more gunshots fire away, hitting the glass of the windows to my car, causing it to shatter everywhere. I stay glued up against the car looking forward, clenching my jaw.

"You wanna do it this fast?"I shout, continuing to stare straight ahead. The gunshots stop, letting my breathing calm just a tiny bit.

"I mean no, but this is kind of fun!" Jake's voices shouted back. I shook my head and dropped my head, looking to my lap, seeing glass shattered all over me. Quickly, I brush it off and get up on my feet, staying down low.

"Did you let Ruby go?" I shout back after a couple minutes.

"Yes. Like I said I would!" He shouted back. I nodded my head, closing my eyes feeling a relief take over. "Now, come on out. We've got some things to discuss. I promise I won't shoot ya no more!" I open my eyes and put my hands up, before slowly rising, fully standing. There I find Jake tilting his head, his gun pointed directly at me. "Ah, so we meet again."

"That we do." A chuckle escaped his lips as he gestures the gun towards the side of him. Slowly, my legs take me around the car and slowly make my way towards him. When I get to him I felt a strong hit to the head from the butt of his gun, sending me to the ground. I lay there for a minute before feeling my body picked up and thrown over Jake's shoulder.


Inside he throws me into a chair. I sit there, trying to take a look around before feeling rope being tied tightly around stomach and behind the chair. I flinch at the feel, feeling it get tighter till I finally see Jake come around front and bend down. He begins to tied rope around my wrists, tying them down to the arm of the chairs. I just let him, feeling a bit foggy from the hit to my head.

"W-What's your plan here Jake?" I ask, closing my eyes second feeling him tighten the ropes, causing me to feel the rope cut into my skin. I reopen my eyes, feeling him switch to the other wrist. "I mean you're going to kill me, then what? You really think Chloe's going to take you back? You really think Ruby's going to accept you?"

"Shut up, Mitchell," he said, his voice low. I shook my head as my eyes followed him. He went away from my wrists and went to my ankles, beginning to tie them to the legs of the chairs.

"Why? Because you know that no matter what you do to me, isn't going to do any good. You're going to ruin them, Jake. They'll hate you for the rest of their lives. They'll get you to go to prison and sue your ass. Maybe even press the death penalty-" He stood quickly, throwing back his hand forming a fist and swiftly hitting me square in the face. My head flies backward and I can already feel blood spilling from my nose. I lean my head back up, seeing him looking back and forth between my eyes. Neither of us say anything. All I do is look back and forth between his own eyes before feeling another punch square in the face. My head flies back again. The taste of blood in my mouth causes a tiny panic in my head but nonetheless,I shake it off. I pick my head back up and look to my wrists, seeing the rope digging deep into my skin already. And I move them slightly feeling the rope dig and cut deeper. I bite my lip, closing my eyes.

"Doesn't feel good does it?" I pick my head up seeing him bend down, continuing to tie my other leg to the chair.

"Feels fine," I lie, tossing up my hand weakly, which was dumb as I feel another pain of burning attack my wrist. A chuckle escapes Jake as he backs away, sitting on the ground in front of me. He brings his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them, with his gun in his hands pointing it directly at me.

"Feels fine? That's funny." I roll my eyes, looking away from him. "I mean really. I know it hurts Beca. It's going to hurt a lot worse here in a second because the more you move...the tighter those ropes are going to me. And the tighter they get, the more it hurts to move. And honey you're going to be moving till you're at the point of begging me to just kill you." Silence fell between us, as I bit my lip watching him stand. He walks over to some table before coming back over with a knife in hand. Slowly, he stalks towards him, before hovering over me. My eyes look up at him, watching him closely, before my eyes trickled down to the knife seeing as he went to my arm. He pressed the blade to my skin, causing me to flinch.

"Jake...Please you don't have to do this," I begged, my voice low. But he didn't respond with his words. Instead I felt the pressure of the blade cut deep into my skin before it was slowly pulled down a little way down my arm. Screams of pain escape through my lips till he pulls up, taking the blade off. I relax a little in the chair, shutting my eyes for a brief moment till I feel the blade placed on my cheek. My eyes open quickly and I'm met with Jake's crazed eyes.

We keep our eyes locked for a while before he finally slices quickly. A slight yelp escapes my lips, feeling the pressure from the blade. Not as bad as it was on my arm, but still just as painful.

"Not so strong are we now, Mitchell?" He asks. I roll my eyes at him.

"Is this the best you got?" I ask him back. I look up to meet his eyes and a sinister smirk spreading against his lips.

"Oh trust me dear. It can get a lot better.." 

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