Chapter 12

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Ruby sat silent for a moment. Tears trickling down her cheeks. I kept my eyes on the ground, my hands clapped together. I could hear her uneven breathes. I know Chloe was staring at our child. And I knew if anyone was going to talk it was going to have to be me. I bit my lip, shaking my head before turning my head and looking to Ruby.

"Ruby-" Before I could stay anything the girl stood and turned, facing the two of us. I looked to Chloe and she looked to me. I look back to Ruby and see her put up her hand.

"You...You let her get raped?" The words escaped her lips and I felt my heart drop. I stood and was going to speak when Ruby put up her other hand. "You let...let her get raped. You let her...her get raped!" She ran at me and threw a punch at my face, sending my head flying to the left. Just then Chloe stood.

"Ruby!" Chloe yelled. Ruby took a step back from me, as I set my jaw and put my hand up to my lip, feeling blood coming off. I lick my lips and look down.

"You're sticking up for her?" Ruby asked, looking to Chloe. "She let you...How could you even..."

"Ruby, I didn't' know she was going to be," I said, calmly. Ruby's head turned quickly, our eyes locking. Tears were falling down her face and her eyes began to get puffy and red. "We were at the party. We were having fun and there was my old business partner there and your mom's ex. My old business partner wanted to talk business with Chloe, so I set it up. When I went to check on them...I saw your mom..." I couldn't finish. The image replaying in my head. I shut my eyes. "It was my fault but at the same time it wasn't. And even before then we were fighting Ruby."

"So you let her get raped and then blame her for your drinking problem?" I looked to the ground shaking my head. "Really? Because that's all I got from that story Beca. All I got was my mother was raped by some nasty british dude and you started getting angry and started drinking to the point you hurt my mom!" Silence fell over.

"I didn't mean to hurt her. That was a one-"

"One time or not Beca! You still has the scar on her arm from your beer bottle!" Ruby bites her lip and wipes at her eyes. "Get the hell out!"

"Ruby, stop!" Chloe shouts. I shake my head, looking to Chloe. Chloe's eyes lock with mine.

"It's okay Chloe. I'm just going to go," I say, low walking past the two and grabbing my bag. I head to the door and open it, hesitating a moment hearing Ruby shouting once again.

"How could you let her back in your life? How could you let her do that? Why did you forgive her?" The questions were spitting rapid fire and I felt my tears fill in my eyes. I shake my head and head out of the house, closing the door and running to my car. I get inside and slam the car door shut. For a moment I sit there before banging my hands against the steering wheel and doing anything I can do to cause harm to the objects in the car, when I take my right hand and crash it through the window. The glass shatters and I pull my hand back, letting out a yelp, leaning my head back against the seat, shutting my eyes. When I open my eyes and glance down at my hand I see tons of blood rush to the surface. I sigh and start the car, driving back home...




{A/N: If you're a 5H fan or Camren fan check out my new fanfic 'Beauty In The Dark'. 

Hope everyone's staying healthy and safe! <3

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