1. Sonny :: I Know That You're The Feeling I'm Missing

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"To be honest, I'm terrified," Sonny found himself admitting. "I'd convinced myself the music thing was over when my last band broke up. It's surreal to be a trialist in a new band. I never thought I'd sing again."

"Dude, it'd be a crime with a voice like yours to never use it ever." Brooklyn lightly punched his arm before getting himself a can of coke. Caffeine and auger at this hour? Not the weirdest thing Sonny has seen Brooklyn do in the past twenty hours so sure, why not. "It'll take some time getting used to. But the boys and I are here for you every step of the way. I know it's just your trial. But you get along great with everyone. I see you being here for a long time."

Sonny and Brooklyn probably spoke in that kitchen until past two. It would kill them tomorrow when they had to be up relatively early to get to the recording studio and sing. But it was nice, to be honest. Sonny really felt like he could make this home as they spoke.

. . .

Sonny began his part. But was stopped after maybe he uttered three words at most. "Try it just the tinniest bit flatter, mate." Rye's voice instructed. That's fine he kept telling himself. It was only one correction. But he was jarred and nerves were getting the better of him.

"But I might as well- I-" Sonny stuttered out, eyes going wide as he tried to rack his brain for the next couple of words. Now his breathing was beginning to quicken as he felt panic rising within him. "Can we redo that? I forgot my line for a second."

"Course. You're good. Give me a thumbs up when you're ready," Rye responded and he heard Brooklyn give some sort of praise right after from the other side of the glass.

Sonny had admitted to the boys yesterday that he was nervous coming into this whole thing head first. But he had tried to cover up the butterflies and laugh it off. Brooklyn was the only one who really knew what was happening in his head. Now, he was feeling himself crumple under the stress and hesitations flooded his thoughts. "I got this view. It- uh. But- I swear I know it."

"Why don't you switch out with Brook and we'll record your part after? Everyone's gotta go at some point. Order doesn't make too much of a difference," Andy said. But Sonny knew Andy was just trying to make him feel better. Here he was, being introduced to the band for the first time, and already screwing up the flow of things.

"No, it's fine. I got this." Sonny's hands were trembling and the only thing he could do to attempt to keep them still was crumple the bottom of his hoodie, which he did. His mind was overwhelmed with worry at this point. They were probably judging him at this very moment, making assumptions that he wasn't the right fit if he couldn't even remember his four lines worth of solo.

"Get some water, Sonny. It's all good." Jack had been in his shoes before. He knew how easy it was to get in your head when people who've been doing this for years before you were watching your every move. Obviously, none of the boys would judge Sonny for messing up or being nervous. The amount of chaos they cause negates their right to judge professionalism. But that wasn't easy to understand when it's you entering the picture as a new member.

Sonny wanted to argue, convince them he was fine and could nail the lyrics if he was given another shot. But Brooklyn was already inside the booth, friendly smile on his face as usual. "You sounded banging! Seriously." He was probably just being nice. Sonny couldn't even stay on pitch.

Sonny solemnly left the recording booth. His hood was now back up, attempting to shield himself from the looks the others might be passing him. "I'm gonna grab some air. The tight room is making my asthma act up and I'd like to be able to breath when it comes to singing. Come with me." Sonny knew the request wasn't up for debate, similarly to the suggestion of him taking a break.

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