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Y/N and Loki stood side by side, both in chains and Loki in a muzzle, watching as Thor said goodbye to his friends. He had convinced them that Y/N must be brought the Asgard, she had no idea what he said to convince them.

Watching them from the distance, Thor had left them stood alone, he knew they wouldn't run.

Smirking, Y/N glanced up at the muzzle around Loki's mouth, laughing in amusement as he raised an eyebrow in response. Turning so her back was to Thor, she brought her chained hands up to her mouth making a shushing motion before silently letting her claws spring out. Stupidly, nobody had put anything to restrain her claws. Carefully, she reached forwards and cut through the muzzle restraint, freeing Loki's mouth who smirked at her in surprise.

"Well it's been fun." She smiled up at him.

"If you call an invasion and capture fun?" He quirked an eyebrow and she just grinned in reply.

Seeing the Avengers were now walking towards them, she knew this might be her last chance in a while. Reaching forwards and yanking Loki down into a passionate kiss. They both moaned into the kiss, their soul marks burning with pleasure.

"Ugh what happened to the muzzle?" Stark groaned as Thor pulled them apart, sighing as he picked up the broken muzzle, clear claw marks in it.

"Seriously? Nobody restrained kitty's claws?" Y/N growled at Stark's words as Natasha replaced the muzzle on Loki, Steve grabbing her hands and retying them behind her back so she couldn't reach and free Loki who was glaring muderously at Stark.

Thor and Loki grabbed a hold of the container holding the Tesseract, Loki grabbing Y/N's arm as she couldn't grab it.

"See ya later Brucey." Y/N winked at Banner before they disappeared into a blue light, being transported to Asgard.

Neither Loki nor Y/N knew exactly what would happen next, but they were together and he was alive, that was enough. Y/N knew it was coming, he was coming, and she'd be ready. She refused to let that monster take Loki from her again. He was hers, and she wouldn't let Thanos take him.

Loki | ClawsWhere stories live. Discover now