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Y/N was shoved into the same cell as Loki, the Avengers all believing her to be working with Loki. She didn't correct them, it meant she could stay with Loki. His eyes lit up when she was shoved into the cell, his face taking on a dangerous look as he glared at the guard who shoved her face first to the floor. She was up in seconds, snarling at the guard and lunging before being locked in. Loki was at her side immediately, pulling her away from the terrified guard and subconsciously checking her fo injuries, she did the same to him.

"Hello darling." Loki smirked, pulling away from her, but remaining close by.

Smirking at him, she pretended to itch her head for the cameras, turning so that only Loki could see her tapping her head with her finger. It was one of the silent way she communicated with him, she nearly cried in relief when he understood what she was saying, his voice appearing in her head seconds late.

"Love?" He sounded confused, questioning why they needed to speak in private.

"I know its confusing," she paused, sighing in real life before going back to talking through their minds, "I'm already changing so much by being here, but it was the only time I could come to. You need to act as you were, as you would have if I wasn't here. It's the only way everything will work out as it should."

"Why?" It was only one word, but it had so much emotion behind it. She knew he was confused, she also knew he would able to feel her grief and sorrow.

"You died. Thanos...he..." she looked away, gritting her teeth at the memory, "I came to change that, 2012 is the earliest I could come so that he wouldn't sense me. As long as everything goes as it should, I can wait until the time is right and change things."

When Loki didn't speak, she looked up at him only to be embraced in a tight hug as he caressed her head gently, "it's okay, it's okay."

He pulled back, stroking her cheeks and it was only then she realised she was silently crying, her emotions finally catching up to her. He continued to hush her until she stopped, resting her head on his chest. Neither cared that they were being watched, they both knew the Avengers would be confused but it didn't matter to them.

"If you cant intervene, which I agree you shouldn't until the time is right darling, what will you do?"

"I'm stuck here. I guess I'll just wait." She huffed out a laugh, wiping her remaining tears away before sitting on the all bench in the cage, she knew they would be having visitors soon.

"Y/N-" Loki began but she shushed him hearing footsteps, glancing up just as Nick Fury walked into the room.

They eyed him, watching as he cautiously walked up to the cage, watching them as if they were dangerous animals, which was half true.

"It's an impressive cage. Not built I think, for me." Loki smirked, breaking the uncomfortable silence, his act coming up.

"Built for something a lot stronger than you." Fury's voice was hard, cold as he glared at Loki, glancing to a silent Y/N who watched the exchange before looking back to Loki.

"Oh I've heard." Loki drawled, turning to face the camera as he spoke, " a mindless beast, makes play he's still a man."

Smirking slightly, Y/N looked down and hid her smile as she thought of Bruce and Hulk on Sakaar.

"How desperate are you? You call upon such lost creatures to defend you."

"How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war, steal a force you can't hope to control, you talk about peace and you kill cause it's fun." Y/N felt Loki' emotions turn to pained but he hid it well, "you have made me very desperate. You may not be glad you did."

"Ohhh. It burns you to have come so close. To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share. And then to be reminded what real power is."

Fury was about to retort when another SHIELD agent came running into the room, "sir? We have the results. Her bones are made out of adamantium."

Fury paused, staring at a shocked Y/N who finally looked up as Loki looked to her in confusion.

"Any relation to Wolverine?" Fury cocked his head, focusing his attention on Y/N now, this caused Loki to stand in front of her, to try to shield her from sight.

"We don't know sir...you think she has them?" The agent stuttered, his head down and nervous, clearly new. He was clearly talking about her claws.

Y/N growled at Fury's look, he looked at her as if she was a caged lion.

"Do you want to find out?" Y/N remarked coldly, walking up to the glass of the cell, her fists clenched tightly together as she glared at the two men. Loki reached out and grabbed her arm, drawing her back. He didn't understand what they were talking about, but he knew she was in danger.

"Continue the scans. Compare her bone structure to Wolverine. We may need to contact the Professor." Fury hummed, looking her over before leaving the room with the agent.

Y/N relaxed as soon as they were out of sight, her shoulders sagging and her fists unclenching. She could feel Loki's burning stare.

"I'll show you later, when we don't have eyes watching us." Y/N spoke lowly, her words pointed as he nodded in understanding. The subject made him remember how she landed on the cliff, how she seemingly healed so fast, it only brought more confusion and questions.

It was much later when they were separated for questioning. Loki tried to fight, but she simply shook her head, she knew who was here to question her and she was fine with it.

Across from her sat a younger Charles Xavier. He was looking at her almost disappointed, Logan was there too. The appearance of Logan caused her to freeze in shock before sitting down and smiling at her father and her father figure.

The agents watching the exchange only saw the three staring at each other, they couldn't hear the silent conversation going on through Charles telepathic abilities. She showed him her memories, what happened and why she was here, he in turn showed Logan. Charles looked at her with pity but Logan looked to her in understanding. They told Fury they had no idea who she was. If they told the truth, she would be put under Charles care and taken away from Loki, and they knew that couldn't happen. So they lied, they claimed to have never seen her before, and they left. Not before Logan sneakily squeezed Y/N's hand under the table in comfort.

And Y/N was taken back to Loki.

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