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Steve and Stark bickered at the front of the jet, Natasha piloting, while Y/N and Loki sat in handcuffs, facing each other.

Loki glared at her, his eyes searching as he analysed her, wanting to know more. Y/N kept her eyes on his, the bright blue standing in place of the beautiful green she was used to. She knew she shouldn't, she really shouldn't, but she couldn't help what she said next.

"Can he see what you see? Is he watching now?" Loki stiffened, proving he knew exactly what she spoke of.

"Who are you?" Loki snarled, leaning forward in his seat, his eyes glowing blue in the darkness.

"If everything goes as planned, you'll find out in a couple years." She smirked, seeing his confusion.

"So, is he watching or not?" She leaned forwards now, their faces inched part and she knew from his expression that the bond was tugging at him. The blue was fading from his eyes, she could see it.

Just as he was about to speak, Stark broke in between them, glancing between the two with raised eyebrows and laughing as he spoke, "you want to get a room? Maybe some alone time?"

Immediately, the green was gone, the blue was back.

Then, the storm started.

"What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Steve mocked with a stern face as Loki gulped and looked up.

"Oh for the love of-" Y/N banged her head against the side of the jet, groaning and muttering under her breath. Loki frowns as he hears one of her mumbled sentence, "he always ruins the moment doesn't he?"

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki admits as there is a bang on the roof, signalling Thors arrival.

Stark, stupidly, opens the hatch and allowing Thor to jump inside the jet, sending Stark flying before grabbing Loki and flying of with him, ignoring Y/N completely.

"Hm rude." She sighs before standing up, the others ready to chase after Loki, not even noticing her until she is stood at the end of the open hatch.

"Hey!" She just shrugs with a smirk, falling backwards off the jet as Stark and Steve run towards her.

Soaring through the air, she could see the ground getting closer and closer. Seeing Loki and Thor arguing, she aimed her body to try and land on the cliff side, the free fall not at all bothering her.

"Oh this is gonna hurt." She groaned, the wind smacking her hair across her face and taking her breath away. Seeing the ground closing in, she positioned her body to land in the 'superhero' pose. Her knees smacking into the hard ground and most likely shattering as she landed. The Asgardians turning to look at her in shock.

"Oh god Wade was right. That is totally impractical. Uh." Standing, she let her legs snap back into place, turning to see the brothers gaping at her.

"This is Asgardian matters, it does not concern you mortal." Thor spoke up, letting go of Loki to point his hammer at Y/N.

"Who are you calling a mortal?" Y/N scoffed, her eyes glancing to a smirking Loki before going back to Thor, "and actually, it is my business. And-" she stopped, a laugh coming from her and she tried to stop it," sorry, sorry its just...your hair!"

"I-" Thor stepped towards her again, a slight hurt look in his eyes which made her laugh harder, she had not laughed since the incident.

Iron man flying past, taking Thor with him caused Loki and Y/N to jump slightly, both walking to the edge of the cliff to look down at the ensuing fight.

"You are not mortal." Loki didn't look at her as he spoke, he had no question in his voice, he was simply stating the fact.

"No. But I am from Midgard." She spoke, side glancing at him, enjoying just talking with him.

"How do you know?" He didn't need to specify, she knew what he meant.

"...you told me."she paused before speaking, considering if she should tell him.

His head snapped towards her, his eyes narrowing as his mind worked. She could see the moment he realised, he was smart so she wasn't surprised he understood.

"You're from the future." A slight head nod was the only reply he got.

"Care to enlighten me?" Loki snarked out, the blue in his eyes ever so slowly receding.

"We both know I cant." She paused, her eyes seeming to stare off into a distant memory, "not yet."

"How about you tell me what this...feeling...is then?" He spat the word feeling as if he was disgusted, although she could see the softness in his eyes.

"Ah what the hell." She muttered to herself, before darting forwards and grabbing Loki's wrist, right where she knew his soul mark was.

Loki went to stop her, that was the one thing he kept hidden, but he was too late. Inhaling sharply as she came in contact with it. Opening his green eyes, he stared down at her in shock, his breathing heavy from the intense pleasure emitting from his wrist. Her breathing was shaking too, but she handled it, as if she was used to it.

Loki stumbled back slightly, his eyes wide as the blue fog in his head disappeared, he had regained control of his thoughts and feelings. Because of her. He felt the painful connection to the infinity stone snap and be replaced with a bond that felt so loving and pure it shook him to his entire core.

"You..." Loki stuttered, unsure of what to say. For so long had he been under the influence of Thanos, just a puppet, and now his soulmate had freed him.

"Yes." She smiled, confirming what he was thinking.

"My name is Y/N. We meet in the future." She smiled wide, her eyes glistening as she felt the bond regrow. It had died with Loki, she didn't think she would ever feel it again. 

"Why are you here? Now?" He frowned, he could suddenly feel her emotions, her pain and grief.

"What happened?" He went to cup her cheek, all thoughts of Thanos and the invasion gone.

Thor had to ruin it.

"Brother. You'll be coming to SHIELD and you WILL tell us of the Tesseract and you will face Asgardian justice at home." Thor landed on the cliff side, glancing between Y/N and Loki in confusion. Steve and Tony were by his side, the jet hovering close to the ground. 

"Thor?" Loki frowned, his memory fully coming back, glancing at his adopted brother.

Tugging Loki to her, Y/N hurried to whisper in his ear as the Avengers went to separate them, "play along, trust me."

He knew what she meant, don't let them know he was free just yet, keep the act going. He couldn't deny her, and even though they had just met he trusted her with his entire being, so he complied.

Grinning menacingly at Thor he let himself be taken to the jet in handcuffs, his chest tightening as Y/N was also put in handcuffs, calming himself when she smiled and nodded at him.

Loki | ClawsWhere stories live. Discover now