Chapter 16 - Adrift

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"Why were you two out in the forest at nearly 4 in the morning? You knew the present dangers on the island and you still disobeyed me. I am extremely disappointed in you both."

Enoch and I stood listening to Miss Peregrine berate us. The truth is I had no shame in what we did, but I was feeling the repercussions as my back was horribly scraped from being dragged by the Hallowgast. Enoch showed no signs of remorse either.

"Miss Peregrine, I do feel it is necessary to remind you that had we not gone out into the woods, we never would have found that sachel, and we could very well be dead," said Enoch.

She pondered this for a moment, "But think about what could have happened if you had been caught. You two know very well what is curfew and you disobeyed me entirely."

"I'm sorry," Enoch replied.

"We're sorry," I corrected.

"Very well, just please come to me before going on another adventure like that. You two had me worried sick. You are dismissed."

As we turned to leave, Miss Peregrine grabbed me by the shoulder, "Heavens! What happened to your back?! Were you two attacked?!"

"Kind of..." I mumbled. I hadn't realized it, but there had been pools of blood all over the back of my shirt, and they were beginning to soak through the jacket I was wearing.

"We need to treat this immediately, or else it might get infected. Enoch, go get Emma right away, and DO NOT come in here when you get back."

With that, Enoch left.

Shortly after he left Miss Peregrine instructed me to take off my jacket and shirt, leaving me in just my bra and linen pants.

As I stripped, Miss Peregrine closed the curtains in the Galley, and Emma joined us shortly with a first aid kit she found below deck.

"Miss P," she panted, completely out of breath, "I came as fast as I could what's the emergenc- OH MY BIRDS WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ROSEMARY?!"

"I was a ragdoll for a Hallowgast."

"How awful! Miss P, what should I do first?"

"Clean up the wounds first and make sure all the dirt and splinters are gone, then put some iodine on the cuts and cover it with gauze and a little bit of medical tape to hold the gauze in place. I'll be putting the little ones to bed now, I'll be back in 15 minutes."

With that, she left.

Emma quickly began tending to my wounds.

"What on earth were you thinking?!"

"It's not like I chose to be dragged by a hollowgast," I rolled my eyes.

"That's not what I meant. Why didn't you come get help instead of getting yourself into a mess?" She began gently rubbing my back and I could feel the cool iodine seeping into my wounds.

"There wasn't enough time," I sighed. "The men were sleeping, and it was our only chance to investigate," she started taping gauze all over the deep wounds of my back.

"I think I may be able to cauterize these smaller cuts if you'd like. It will only hurt a bit."

"Ok, as long as you don't set my hair on fire, we're good."

She worked quietly.

"So, you and Enoch, eh?"


"It's either yes or no, Rose."

"I don't really know. I really like him, but I'm not good with my emotions. With other people, it's easy, but with me it's like I can't gain control."

"You've got it bad," she teased.

"Yeah? What about you and Victor?"

She stopped for a moment, sighed, and then said, "What about me and Victor?"

"Em, it's so obvious that you like him, don't deny it."

"My feelings ar-" at that moment, Miss Peregrine returned.

"Ladies, how is the wound situation?"

"Almost done cauterizing, Miss P," Emma said.

"Excellent. You two will be rooming together, so as not to wake the little ones. Fiona will also be with you two, but she's tending to Clair and olive at the moment. Bronwyn is already asleep, as expected."

"Thanks Miss P," with that Emma finished and I was able to put my shirt back on.

"I'm going to let you two get on to bed now, I have some work I need to get done and there is no way that I am getting any sleep tonight. Your room is room 204, end of the hall on the second deck. Make sure you make it to your room please ladies," she was looking at me.

"Most certainly Miss P," I assured her.

Emma cleaned up the mess we'd made and then we headed towards our room.


Emma and I's room was very small, we each had our own twin bed with a steamer trunk set on a built in shelf adjacent to each bed. We unpacked our things and just as I was about to crawl into bed I noticed something resting on my pillow.

It was the golden watch I had found.

I grabbed the watch and turned it over in my hand a couple of times. Enoch was certainly something else.

"What's that?" Emma looked over my shoulder.

"Oh it's something I found when Enoch and I were swimming."

"It's beautiful, I don't think I've ever seen anything like it."

It really was beautiful. The back of the watch had intricate engravings of swirls and floral designs that looked like calligraphy strokes. Whoever lost it must be missing it dearly, that is if they're even still alive. Like Enoch said, the person who lost it probably lost it before the loop was created.

"I'm hitting the sack Rose, I am so beyond tired," Emma said as she flopped down on her bed.

I placed the watch under my pillow and crawled into bed, pulled to sleep by the gentle ticking of the watch, rhythmic lapping of water against the side of the ship, and the smooth hum of the engine carrying us further and further away from our home.

Hi... soooooooo.... it's been a while eh? Ok, I am so sorry. Is Covid still a valid excuse for why I haven't posted? No? Didn't think so... hey, I said it would not be 14 months before I posted again and guess what??? It was only 13! Ok but for real I want to be back, and I think I will be because... ya girl got accepted to college and she isn't stressed anymore!! (That's is grounds for a round of applause) anyway thank you everyone for constantly supporting me and my writing. I am glad to be back! XOXO ILLITERATEIGUANA

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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Echolocation (Enoch O'Connor / mphfpc fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ