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"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."

Maya Angelou

Follow up on GhettoChild:

Jai'yanna thought maybe she could digress from Tuesdays stress and go kick it at the skating rink with the girls. Sadly life had other plans for our girl she's keeping pain instead of catching peace. They say life is just like fishing but like a fisherman we always let the smallest catch go. Why? Why would one hold on to something so small ? But we do. We hang on to the smallest things in life and we hurt...

Instead of keeping memory it, nurturing it , loving it and caring for it so we let it go, we hurt. Jai'yannas greatest attributes could be her quickest demise.

She sees life so rough and jagged that simple isn't something she's used to dealing with. An in light of that thinking she projects that suffering mindset onto life! Over the course of two days she's been shown her value in this world. In days Jai'yanna went from being unrecognizable to most wanted female in the game.

At this moment reality is giving our girl a small dose of the truth and now she is opening her eyes to a side of life she's never experienced before! Will she have what it takes to catch and keep what it is she's looking for or will the sky be her limits? Come find out...

Chapter 7: Unrecognizable ❤️‍🩹
August 27th

Jai'yanna's Pov:

I stirred around in my sleep fighting Christian in my dreams. A cold draft blew past my toes.

The feeling instantly made my eyes shoot open. I was in a blue room with a mounted t.v on the wall and old ass BET posters, everywhere. A headache swamped my mind and my throat was dry like sand paper. I had cotton mouth like a muthfucka.

Slowly the memory of last night crept in my head: I was arguing with Christian, next his hands were around my throat and then I took what I considered my last breath before passing out.

I sat up canvassing his room; the clock on the nightstand read 6:07 am. I rubbed the sides of my neck still feeling the grip Christian had on me. 'Why did he do it?' I wondered.

The next breath I took in this moment made my entire body shake in terror. I cried silently . An there this ignorant ass bitch laid beside me—sleep. It took everything in my power not to want to place a pillow on top of his face and smother him.

What he did last night toped anything he could have did or said. He took it too far and now we're both at a place of no return. I didn't even realize he re-dressed me as well in one of his over sized t-shirts.

I rolled my eyes getting out of the bed and stepping onto the cold floor. Tears still streaked down my face but this time in anger rather than hurt. I love Christian so much that even this was forgivable to me but , even in the midst of me still trying to keep this connection going my own morals won't allow me to have a relationship with a person who cares only about themselves and my demise.

But, your biggest hater is never a stranger.

I tiptoed out his room and into the living room. My purse, phone and clothes were all on the couch. I'm glad it's all in one place. I picked up my phone dialing Sahara.

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