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Short is the joy that of which the guilty pleasure brings ~ Euripides

Recap on GhettoChild:

Jai'Yanna is more confused than ever. Last night she was given an important task. An envelope that contains the keys to her future. Her dad was a tough subject for her but, will she see past her feelings to handle her business...

It's unlike our girl to ever turn down a task but, what if this task is too much to handle?

After Jai'yanna made it back to her room last night her brother was nowhere to be found. She figured he got tired of waiting—but, she noticed her window was open. Christopher must have over heard the conversation between Jai'yanna and her grandmother. An as always he reacted first. Leaving Jai'yanna with a lot to think about this morning.

Jealousy is a hell of a disease. Caused by pain, nurtured by hate brought out in a time of weakness. Hopefully our girl is stronger than the disease itself or she too will fall as those before... Understanding the issue is first.

The real question is how weak is too weak?

Let's continue.

Chapter 5: Secrets
August 25th

Jai'yanna's POV:

{Dream Beginning}

As soon as I woke up this morning I wasted no time getting up and going to my car. I tried to hurry up and park besides my Granny before she could get up to see me out here doing all this. She might think I'm high, knowing her ass she always trying to blame some shit on the weed.

I grabbed the purse Aria gave me and instantly I was hit with a wave of anxiety. It felt like I was holding a passage of rights to the declaration of the hood or some shit'. Once I acquired the purse the next part of the mission was getting back in the house unheard...

I walked back through the side gate and straight towards my room. "Sly as a fox." I chuckled, my training was coming in handy. As soon as I made it to my room— I locked my door. Placing the purse on my bed.

Taking a deep breath.

I opened the bag and inside: a folder. I frowned seeing the ruffly torn cover. "What the hell is this?" I questioned, flipping past the cover. It was a paper sealed by a plastic cover— on the front it read 'marriage proposal'. My mouth went dry as I continued to skim through the document. "Please.." I started praying. "Don't be what I think you are..."

I read the biggest paragraph on the front page.

"The Fernandez Family and The Martin family will be coming together in Matrimony— binding two powerful families ties in one ceremony of a lifetime....." Oh no— I struggled reading the next line.

"We will be celebrating Jai'yanna B. Martin and Christian G. Fernandez— on their special day!"

It wasn't just a business proposal this is my wedding invitation. I became frantic looking for anything else inside the purse. There was a small journal inside—labeled by a sticky notes that read..."Brace yourself!"

I flipped past the cover.

It was Arias notes—about a warehouse on the upper east side. Apparently ran by Tommy and wait who is that?

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