have a christmas oneshot

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 "Oh dear lord, what happened here?" you ask, almost horrorstruck, as you step into the living room of your flat.

"Surprise?" Phil says, grinning sheepishly at you from beneath a toppled Christmas tree. In front of the fireplace, Dan looks guilty with a string of fairy lights in his hands and a broken pinecone ornament at his feet. His hair can only be described as... well, slightly frazzled, and most definitely no longer straight.

You pick your way through a mess of fallen ornaments and puddles of tinsel to the completely destroyed tree, and shake your head incredulously. At least the advent calendar is still intact- or so you think, until the first little cardboard door swings open to reveal an astonishingly empty plastic casing. Eating someone else's chocolate should be considered treason.

"Phil," you say, raising an eyebrow, "What did you do?"

He turns red and pulls the sleeves of his Christmas jumper up over his hands. "I'm sorry! We were just trying to bring a bit of holiday cheer to the Grinch's house."

"I'm not sure it worked," I commented, sighing as I spotted my lamp sideways on the ground, wreathed in tinsel, its cord tangled around the legs of the table. "Also, I'm not a grinch. Just because I get my tree on the 23rd does not make me a grinch. It's just cheaper then."

I could almost hear Dan rolling his eyes. "And you two would make terrible elves."

"A-hem!" Dan cleared his throat indignantly. "I'm an excellent elf. After all, it wasn't me who tried to balance your stuffed elephant on top of the tree and caused it to fall over."

"Phil!" you half-yell. "You tried to balance Bernie on the tree? Why?"

"I don't know. Bernie's a great angel." He made an attempt at shrugging, shifting a pile of lights and tinsel along with his shoulders.

"Bernie's alright, though," Dan continued, extricating the little grey plushie from the wreckage and handing him to you. You snuggle Bernie into your shoulder, and shoot your best evil glare at Phil. Unfortunately, it looks more grimacelike than evil, and he giggles.

You smile halfheartedly. "Come on, let's get you out of this mess."

Dan nods. "Shall we lift the tree?"

"Let's go," you reply, and station yourself with both hands firmly grasping some of the stronger branches and legs spread apart (dear reader, get your mind out of the gutter). 

Dan adopts the same position on the other side. "On the count of threee," he says, "One, two, three, and pull!"

Both of you tug on the tree with all your might, leaning into it, and the tree comes off the floor.

As Phil stretches his pine-needled legs, the tree almost seems to move in slow motion. It sails up, off the ground, and straight into the ceiling, brushing against the plaster before, with an almighty crash, it goes the full 180 degrees and topples on your floor in the other direction. You groan.

Phil stands up slowly and shrugs again, squeezing a tiny round ornament in his hand. His face crinkles into a smile. 

"It's all in the Christmas spirit," he says, pressing the little ornament into your hand as you step forward to hug him after his adventures with the tree. "Merry Christmas, Y/N."

You pull away and look at the little bauble fondly. It's a tiny sphere, filled with miniature photo strips. You see a picture of you, Dan and Phil standing on a balcony on bonfire night, fireworks exploding behind you in the sky. There's another one from Dan's birthday last year- he's terrified as you and Phil flip on the lights and yell surprise, letting loose a lone party popper. Another one that catches your eye is a photo Dan took of you and Phil when the three of you visited platform 9 and 3/4.

 Truth be told, it's perfect. 

A/N: I'm taking down 'Holiday' and sticking the oneshots in here. M'kay?

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