tag time!

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Well, it seems that Virtues has tagged me in a very interesting tag. She has also called me blasphemous, so now I have to do it. Here goes!

1. What's your fave 5SOS song at the moment? Now there's a question. I'm not very good with most current popular bands, so I can truthfully say that I don't know any songs by 5SOS. It's probably not that I don't know songs by them, more that I know the songs, but I don't know the artist. I therefore don't have a favourite 5SOS song, I'm much more likely to listen to older boybands (can I call them that?) such as Queen, or the Beatles.

2. Do you wear makeup? I wear concealer, occassionally, because I've inherited my dad's terrible acne problem from when he was a teenager. Aside from that, never. I'm proud to say that I have enough self esteem that I can feel confident in my appearance without the aid of powders and brushes.

3. Have you ever kissed anyone? If so, was it like a peck or hardcore making out? In year two of primary school, mini-me kissed my so-called "boyfriend" on the lips before I moved away forever. I'll let you be the judge of whether or not that counts.

4. Who are some of your role models/people you look up to or are inspired by? There are too many of these to count, so I shall just explain the story of one particular real-life person who I know and seriously admire. He isn't famous, although he should be for what he does. For the sake of this story, let's call him Josh. He's a doctor, who works in a pretty normal life for most of the year. He has a wife, and two kids. But then comes the amazing part: every year, in the summer, he organises a charity expedition to rural NIgeria with some of his doctor friends to provide free medical care and treatment to anyone who can't afford it, and all the expenses come right out of his pocket. He's really an incredible person.

5. If you could be in any band ever, which band would you choose? Chameleon Circuit! I'm a serious Whovian/Cooliker, so that would make me very happy, even if I don't ship Cherimon.

6. Are you athletic? If so, what sports do you play? Athletic isn't really the word to describe me, but I am a severe bandie. Marching band is very definitely a sport, something I've already ranted about, and if you want proof just search 'DCI finals' on YouTube, because that'll really prove it to you.

7. Do you have any siblings? Yes. You can't have any more information.

8. How old are you? The answer to this question has been removed by the author, whose attempt to remove certain amounts of personal information from the Internet is still valiantly rampaging around her Wattpad profile.

9. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? AWW HELLL NAWWWW. I shall be forever alone.

10. How tall are you? At 5'2", I'm an absolute giant. I'm probably taller than Dan Howell and Phil Lester combined- I'm just that tall. I would tower over you midgets.

11. If you could kiss anyone in the world right now, who would it be? Well, this morning I was watching a short film in which Dominic Fera starred as a very sexy and evil teen vampire, so I'd say him. (So you know, the film is actually amazing and not your typical, cheesy, Twilight-esque vampire film. The twist ending is one of the best I've ever seen. It's called Die Now or Live Forever, and I highly recommend it.)

I'm going to tag @SamisTotallyCoolish in the very slight hope that she might decide to do it, or she hasn't been tagged already. If not, I think I shall tag Kermit the Frog, Jack Howard, and the Queen.

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