~2 patton~

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Hey guys! For the band the singer is Virgil Patton plays the bass and see is on the drums! This one is a little shorter but fun fact- the theater they will preform in is the name of my friend who gave me the band name idea!
Patton p.o.v
" Dee, Virge Guess who just called me!" they open their mouths as if they were going to respond but I don't allow them to "Milo Delancy, the owner of Milo's theater!"
"What did they want?" Virgil asked
"They asked if we wanted to book a gig for friday night!"
"That's awesome! our first big gig!" the singer exclaimed
This is the most excited I have ever seen him. It makes sense though this is our first big gig. "that's so awesome we should go on our website and post that the tickets are available!" Dee said
So I went online and listed the tickets on our website. We immediately got three ticket sales from Remy who is one of our closest friends. I assumed he would bring his boyfriend Emile and their friend Remus.
~time skip to Wednesday for my lack of social interaction during quarantine~
"Hey guys I just called Emile and he said that Remy is sick and he is taking care of him but Remus is giving the tickets to his brother and his brother's roommate." Virgil said walking out of his room with his phone still in his hand.
"That's too bad but at least we still get to see Remus!" I said trying not to look disappointed that our other friends won't be there.
"I didn't know Remus had a brother, I wonder if he is as cute as Remus." Dee said as he has had a crush on Remus since Remy had introduced them.
"I don't know but the gig is tomorrow after work so get some sleep." I say as I walk off towards my room as I change then slip into a subconscious state.
~time skip to the morning because I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich~
When I woke up the next morning I heard the blaring of my alarm as I practically ran across my room to shut it off. Once I did I put on my black crop top for the show and put a baby blue over sized sweater over it for work and high waisted jeans because he couldn't wear his favorite baby blue skirt to work so he packed that and fishnet stockings in his bag. He ran out of his apartment as he was putting on black tennis shoes with only one on as he was out the door. Then he started off to work.
Hey again I really hope you enjoy this series because I never really have the inspiration to write and this is giving em it! Bye see you next time!
481 words

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