~14 VaRiOuS~

276 12 4

Before I get started THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 500! I literally squealed when I saw! But I am true to my word so here is the new update!
Tw I guess:mild cussing at the end
Virgils p.o.v.
We all got to the house after fifteen minutes of driving from the mall. When we got inside we were contemplating what to do when Patton shouted "LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" We all nodded or showed our agreement in some way as we sat in a circle on the ground to start. Patton spoke first "I'm gonna go first so..." he looks around for a minute before landing on Emile "Emile truth or dare?" "Dare!" "sit on Remy's lap for the rest of the game!" Emile shrugged and plopped down on Remy's lap. "Well then I guess it's my turn! Ummmm Remus truth or dare?" "Dare! I'm not a pu-" "MOVING ON THEN eat the first thing you see when you look in the fridge" Remus jumps up and runs to the fridge grabs something and sits back down. It was a WHOLE JAR OF MAYO!
I almost barfed! When he finished eating the whole thing he said "LOGAN TRUTH OR DARE?"
~time skip butttt you will thank me later!~
It was getting late so we decided to play a few more rounds. "Virgil truth or dare?" Logan asks and I could have sworn that he winked at patton. "Truth I guess" "ok if you had to kiss anyone in this room who would it be?" Logan asked smugly. My face turned as red as a tomato. "I-i-I guess r-Roman" I tried to play it off well but I didn't. He was also very red when I looked over. "Uh remy truth or dare?" "Dare!" "Dont drink coffee until Wednesday!" "THATS NOT FAIR" I stick my tongue out. "FINE ROMAN TRUTH OR DARE?" "Dare!" "I DARE YOU TO..." he paused for a moment and tapped the ground for some reason." "KISS YOUR CRUSH!" His face was drained of color then it went back to the red it was at a few minutes ago.

Romans p.o.v.
SHIT SHIT SHIT WHAT. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THIS. IM NOT READY. "O-ok" I HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. I got up and told everyone to close their eyes. I went over to Virgil and whispered "c-can I kiss you?"
*cue human suffering because I can't write cliffhangers* well anyways thanks for 500 again and I promise it will happen next chapter


Also only six more chapters!
Word count:426

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