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to: dearreaders@gmail.com
topic: from now on...

all my fics will be non-MCU canon, canon divergent, or alternate realities because there's an Earth 666, and yeah imma explore that in my writing. Just gonna say that when I got into marvel, it was because I used to love Ultimate Spider-Man, and Avengers Assemble (they were amazing shows imo) and yeah let's go back to my roots (not really how I started to love marvel but it's complicated so that's the shortened version).

Remember that time Black Widow held an infinity stone? Or the time Falcon brought cookies made by his mom for all the avengers? Or that time when Tony was struggling to go tech-free for the day (pretty sure it was a bet or something)? Or the time where I didn't totally hate Steve Rogers?

Those were good times and I want that for me again lol. So yeah, I'll probably make up my own canon and it'll be inspired by that cartoon show (I bet it still holds up today, it's from a few years ago but yeah I love it). That means I can finally write fics for Steve Rogers because he didn't do all the shit that MCU!Steve ever did. I already have a fic up that isn't in the MCU (Eccentric my Thor Odinson fic), and I love writing it out of all my other fics. I realized today, that it was because it didn't take place in the MCU lol (I don't totally hate the MCU, but I just don't agree with a lot of things they've done).

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