oo9. 💌

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oo9. 🍒 [positivity/self care]
to: allyoulovelypeople@gmail.com
subject: reminder !

daily reminder that i love each and
everyone of you guys. daily reminder
that if you ever want to talk to me
about anything, my PMs are always
open. daily reminder that you're
absolutely perfect the way you are.
daily reminder that sometimes you
have to remember that things will
get better for you. daily reminder
that it's ok to laugh or cry etc. daily
reminder that you should never stop
being yourself and do what makes
you happy because that's what's
important. daily reminder that you
truly deserve the world. daily reminder
that sometimes being selfish for
yourself is a good thing. daily reminder
that you should always put your
mental health first. daily reminder
that if you don't think anyone cares,
that some one does. daily reminder
that i love you bitch, i ain't ever
going to stop loving you bitch.

this goes out to everyone reading this,
my friends, my mutuals, random
strangers, everyone! remember to
do something that matters to you,
and to have fun!

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