o47. 🥀

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o47. 🥀 [vent]
to: dearreaders@gmail.com
subject: i hate summer

ok, i hate summer. and before you
say anything i have good reasons ok?

today's the last day of school for me,
yay? i don't think i can really celebrate.
i just feel so sad right now and a little
panicky too and maybe it'll turn into
tears later but right now i'm filled with
dread and despair. my really awesome
science teacher is leaving so i'm sad
about that. i feel so lonely nowadays
and i only seem to have more online
friends than irl because apparently
i'm scary as hell and it's hard to make
new ones.

and then on top of that my grandparents
are coming back from india sometime
during the summer and i won't be able
to escape from seeing them. i hate them
if you don't know by now (that's a story
for another time tbh).

i had so much fun in my leadership
class even though i kinda hated it
sometimes. i now i won't be able to see
anyone over summer break probably.
so i'm sad about that too.

i did really bad this year in terms of
grades (to my standards at least) and
now i have to think about tHe FuTuRe 1!1!1

who ever said growing up is fun,
you're stupid. sorry not sorry but
you are. i want to stay a little kid tbh.

and with summer comes mosquitoes
and unwanted heat. can't it snow? i
want snow and to just have snowball
fights. and i hate my birthday and idk
i've kinda shut down at this point sigh

+ summer means more drama on
wattpad. i sometimes only see hate
accounts in me feed. can we just stop
giving them attention? can we just
stop fuelling drama? if someone tries
to start something with you on your
comment just delete the thread and
mute them? it's not that hard tbh smh

anyways thank you so much for 600
followers, I though i'd be stuck at 588
forever tbh. you guys are my big wattpad family so i'm going to ask again (because
i never got around to this before): if you
give me your kik in the comments i'll
make a group chat and we can all get
know each other better!

 you guys are my big wattpad family so i'm going to ask again (because i never got around to this before): if you give me your kik in the comments i'll make a group chat and we can all get know each other better!

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