The green irises, inexpressive, nailed to mine, defying. The skank on his penis finally noticed my presence when she started kissing his neck again and he stopped her. She rolled her eyes at me and wearing her fakest smile, asked if I lost something in there.

"My lunch...", I answered, showing all the repulsion I felt. "But I think I lost my appetite too"

I started walking backwards, away from the scene, till my back bumped against something hard. Big hands grabbed me by the elbows, stabilizing me.

"Careful, babe...", the hands owner... and of a broad chest, and a beautiful pearly white smile... and some gorgeous melted caramel color eyes, that looked golden brown in the sun...

Wait... I lost tracks...what was I saying...?

"Oh, Im sorry" I apologized stepping back, so my neck would stop cranning.

"No problem" He smiled wider, never taking his eyes off of me. He extended his hand for me to take it. "I'm Matthew. Matt..."

"Belle...", I said shaking his hand timidly.

"Isabelle..." A voice boomed behind me, dripping ice and venom, as if my name was a curse.

I closed my eyes tight for a second before turning to face him.

Lucas was holding my lunch bag towards me. In some moment, between me knowing my possible new crush -God, this boy was fine...- and him leaving behind to dress up his skank -all hot and bothered in the back seat-, he had time to pick up my lunch and lean on his Jeeps hood, perfecting innocences image... like he wasn't about to commit a felony, fornicating in public, two minutes ago.

There were a few steps separating us. Without even looking at him, I took the bag, but he wasn't letting go. So I questioned him silently, only to find his harsh pupils flashing towards me, freezing me on spot.

"Stay away from that guy, Isabelle... Im not joking." He demanded.

I don't know if it was the ultimatum tone of his voice or the coldness in his eyes, but I had to look down and nod like my life depended on it.

His long and white fingers finally let go of the paper bag and my lunch fell into my hands right on time, as the bell rang. Immediately, all around was packed full of students walking in all directions.

And so, the little drama we were starring, diluted.

I passed by Matt, that was still standing in the same spot I bumped into him. I smiled sheepishly before walking away to the cafeteria. Victoria was waiting for me by the door, typing furiously on her phone, oblivious to all.

"Was bout time! Where were you! I went to Algebra to pick you up..."

"I forgot my lunch in the Jeep..."

We sat at our regular table. Victoria threw her books on the linoleum and rummaged through her bag, taking out an egg salad sandwich. I took out my turkey sandwich and tear it in two. We had been switching half our lunch every day since the first day of highschool.

"I heard your neighbour was nominated as MVP by the HSFL... He got the golden ticket out of this shit hole... Hell probably be one of those sunny Cali uptown guys, with the Superbowl rings on one hand and a plastic tits blondes ass in the other."

I chuckled. That sounded a lot like Lucas... Maybe he's always been destined to it.

"Probably. He's got the talent for it... Football, and pantie-dropping. However, I'll be happy for him and for me if he succeeds."

"Why for you?", Vic asked arching her perfectly groomed eyebrow at me.

"Because I'll finally be free from dealing with his shit every time he gets wasted, and his moody ass. I'll finally be free without his eyes like daggers on my back. I have no fucking clue what I could have done to him to make him hate me so much... but I know he does."

"I dont think so, Belle...", she rejected the thought. "Every Rossi loves you to the core. And every time you have one of your episodes he is the first one there, youve been friends since you were kids"

"Yes, up until we got into this hellhole", I reminded her.

The very first day in Highschool, Lucas changed overnight, like someone reset his brain. He started to ignore me, acting like a conceited jerk, kissing girls like it was some kind of sport, and from there to fuck every one who crossed his path. He left me alone, even if a few hours prior, he promised that Highschool wouldnt tear us apart.

I knew it would happen, but didn't think it was going to be so soon, so abrupt. He betrayed our friendship and broke my heart.

Lucas was every girl's dream boy in Elementary. He had these big eyes in a deep forest green color that seemed to shine out of its sockets. He had and intense and mysterious gaze and was the silent and introvert kind of guy who could melt hearts with a lazy smile. Hormones went on full rampage around him and he knew how to play it on his favor.

When he lost his V card to a girl three years older, he became a legend. I knew nothing would stop him. He had this kind of predator instinct that turned him into a celebrity. Every girl wanted a piece of him. He was the dressing room talk, and according to the versions, he kept perfecting with time.

There was no room for me in his new popularity, so I was discarded.

While Adrien was around , Lucas only had to put up with me. But now that he was gone, he had no choice but to take over the package.

"Bells", Dantes voice pulled me out of my thoughts. His face had this urgency attached to it...

The Rossi boyWhere stories live. Discover now