Ethan steps forward and puts his hand on my shoulder, "come on we should go"

"and who the fuck are you" ark moves forward and squares up to ethan.

Ethan doesn't do Confrontation but he holds his own and doesn't step down.

I move in between them, I've seen ark in action and I know he will punch first and ask questions later. I won't allow Ethan to be hurt not when he's done nothing wrong. He built me back up after Ark knocked me down.

"he's a real man. He's the man who picked up the pieces when you broke my heart. When you broke me"

I can feel my eyes start to pool with tears, I will not let these people see me cry. I've embarrassed myself enough, I quickly walk out of the room and walk as quickly as I can out of the arena. Ethan catches up to me, I'm happy to see that ark didn't follow.

"oh rose I'm so sorry"

Tears are now streaming down my face, I can't even speak. Hell I can barely breath. My heart is breaking all over again.

I grab my cell and call Richard, he answers within two rings "you were right"

"I normally am"

"God why did I do that"

"What happened"

"He spoke to me like nothing had happened like I was his and he was mine like we had never been apart. He said we needed to talk. Like I want to hear his excuses"

" What excuse could he have"

"God knows he was probably hoping I would fuck him for old times sake"

"What are you going to do now"

"Get wasted and fuck him out of my system"

"Sounds healthy" Richard says with disapproval.

"I'll call you later ok"

I end the call and link my arms with Ethan.

"Was it everything you had hoped it would be' I joke.

"Everything and more, how if your serious about getting wasted I know a great club just around the corner from here"

"Lead the way my man"

.,.......  ........ .......

The club is busy, i hope the loud music and alcohol will distract me. I order drinks and head to the dance floor. Ethan and I dance to the 80s pop and lose our self in the music. I watch as he bumps into someone from work, they end up kissing. I wolf whistle as they pack on the PDA.

"Get a room" I tease.

"I would but I can't leave you here alone" Ethan jokes

"Sure you can, I'm a big girl. You go have fun , I'm looking to have some fun of my own"

After some convincing Ethan leaves with his friend, I go in search of company. I'm not searching long, Im dancing when a handsome man with a shaved head grinds up against me. He's not my usual type but he's handsome so I don't stop him. He introduces himself as Keiran, our bodies are so close were practically humping. He reads my signals and moves in for a kiss, before long his tongue is massaging mine. It's been a while since I've had a one night stand  but after the events of tonight and the heat that consumes me I know sex is the only thing that will help me sleep

Kieran doesn't explore my body he keeps them on my waist as we kiss. We spend the night dancing, drinking and kissing and in no time at all the lights are on and we're being asked to leave.

"I may be totally out of line but do you want to come back to my place" he asks.

He looks even hotter under the light of the street lamps and if he fucked like he kissed I was on for a good night.

I nod, he smiles and takes my hand. We kiss the whole cab ride to his house, his hands are all over me and mine are all over him. I'm not the type of girl who has regular casual sex but I'm human and I have needs.

Within minutes we're at his door, he fumbles with his keys before finally gaining entry. He offers me a drink and I refuse. He leads me up the stairs and into his room, it's fairly small for a master bedroom but it has a bed and that's all we need.

He doesn't turn on the light and i appreciate it, he pulls my clothes from my body and kisses from my neck down. He's slow and precise, my pleasure is just as important as his own.

The fire between my legs is satisfied as we finish, I stand to get dressed. I can feel him watching me, it's a little unnerving.

"You can stay over" he offers.

"I have work tomorrow"

He doesn't argue, we both know what this was and we both got what we wanted. I'm just tying my shoes when his bedroom door opens and the room fills with light.

"Mom" Kieran complains.

I look in the doorway and see and elderly woman in a night dress, she looks furious.

" What did I say about bringing girls back, you know your not allowed girls in your room"

" Mum I'm 32"

"While your under my roof you will follow my rules"

I look around the room and realise why the lights had been left off. The room is covered on 90s football posters, this was his childhood bedroom. I shrink a little I'm so embarrassed.

" Im between jobs at the moment so Im temporarily living here" he explains.

"Come on dear my husband will give you a lift home"

Before I can refuse she calls her husband and within seconds he's stood in the hallway in his dressing gown holding car keys.

"Hey could I have your number" Kieran calls as I leave.

"I'll call you" i lie.

" He's a good lad really just hadn't found his footing in life" his dad says as we leave the house.

I can only nod, I'm mortified. I wasn't quiet when we were having sex so I assume his parents heard everything.

"He must be doing something right if he can pull girls as gorgeous as you"

"Where am I taking you" he asks breaking the awkward silence. I tell him the postcode for the bar close to my flat and he sets off. The car journey is awful I want the ground to swallow me up. Now I remember why I don't do one night stands

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