The brown-eyed Quileute grinned at him from his position against the wall. "Hey kid."

"Where are the others?" Sekhani stared at the door as if he was waiting for the influx of shirtless tribe boys.

"They're slow and I'm not." Paul snorted and walked to take his seat at the table.

"We're not slow, Paul. You're just a cheater."

Sekhani's eyebrows furrowed at the voice he hasn't heard before in the house and his blue eyes widened as they locked with Embry's.

Embry stopped in his tracks and a dazed look crossed his face, a big grin forming. "Hey."

Sekhani returned the smile and gave him a small wave. "Hi Embry."

And then they just stood there, locked in a stare that only they understood.

It had been like that ever since they met. Though Sekhani had limited information about Embry Call, he liked him. There was something that he couldn't explain, something that made him want to be close to Embry and he never understood what it was. It was as if his body and his mind were in a fighting battle every time he saw him.

With a quick once over, it was obvious that Embry was now part of the little group that Sam had created. The tattoo only sealed his confirmation.

Paul, who was watching the exchange, grinned slyly. "Embry, is there something that you forgot to tell us?"

Embry's head snapped to the Lahote who he originally came to talk to and he held back a loud growl. He didn't want anybody except Sam to know about his imprint.

The pack was so enamoured by Sekhani, all of them. They were all overprotective of him and the last thing Embry wanted was to fight with his pack brothers over the decisions he made with his imprint. It had been a struggle keeping his thoughts from them but he mastered it with a lot of practice with Sam. His alpha had been understanding of his want to keep the imprint private and he was thankful of that.

"No, nothing." He gave Paul a big, fake smile before sitting at the table.

The last two came bounding through the door, loud and playful as always. Sam made a beeline for Emily while Jared took his seat at the table.

When Sekhani sat down, Jared finally saw him and leaned over the table to ruffle his hair which was slowly growing back. "Hey there blue eyes."

Sekhani gave him a small smile, his eyes soft as always. "Hi, Jare."

It took everything in Embry to not launch himself across the table and throttle Jared. Why was everyone so friendly and comfortable with his imprint? And better yet, how was he going to keep it a secret when they weren't making it any easier?

"Emily made a whole feast as if she's feeding a football team." Sekhani scoffed and filled his plate with potatoes.

"We might as well be a football team with the way we eat." Paul snorted as he piled a mountain of everything onto his plate.

"How she even affords to feed you all will always be a mystery to me." Sekhani laughed softly as he started eating.

Lunch was relatively calm, conversation and jokes passing around the table as everyone ate. Perhaps it was too good to be true. A regular lunch with four wolves who all had slight anger issues? Unheard of.

In His Pain [2] 》Twilight (EDITING) ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ