Endeavour and his theories

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All Might - Dad_Might/All_Lie
Eraserhead - Catzawa
Present Mic - Cockatoo
Snipe - Snape
Thirteen - Houston
Nezu - Tea_Rat
Power Loader - BobTheBuilder
Midnight - Not_For_Kids
Vlad King - Mosquito
Best Jeanist - DaddyLegs
Endeavour - Volcano
Hawks - Chicken
Gang Orca - FreshMeat
Mt. Lady - Giraffe
Kamui Woods - WalkingTree
Ms. Joke - Joker
Ectoplasm - Double_Trouble
Cementoss - RockingIt
Recovery Girl - Kissing_Granny


Volcano: Have I ever told you about people that doesn't like my theories?!

Chicken: Yes

Chicken: Unfortunetly

Giraffe: No and I want you to leave it that way

Chicken: You are doing right thing

Dad_Might: Now I know why young Todoroki always talking about some weird things

Volcano: I don't care about what he is talking about

Volcano: But I know that Green Boy is your secret son!

Dad_Might: Now I surely know you two are related

Chicken: WAIT

Chicken: You have son?!

Dad_Might: No

Volcano: Don't lie to me!

Volcano changed Dad_Might's nickname to "All_Lie".

All_Lie: I am not a liar

Volcano: Say it to your son!

All_Lie: I do not have a son

Chicken: Seems legit :)

Volcano: Shut it you Bird Cannibal!

Chicken: Bird cannibal? That's new

DaddyLegs: Can you stop spamming?! My head is fucking aching!

All_Lie: Language

DaddyLegs: Poser se (aka Czech Language = Shit yourself👌)

All_Lie: I didn't meant it like that!

DaddyLegs: He's a liar!

Volcano: Took you long enough

Chicken: Wait...

Chicken: Your head is aching but you still typing in this chat and you even using some weird language?

Chicken: HOW?!

DaddyLegs: That's secret

DaddyLegs: Now...

DaddyLegs: How do I turn off notifications?!

Vulcano: Let him suffer

Chicken: You don't know?


Chicken: At right corner up you turn it off

DaddyLegs: Thanks

DaddyLegs: Bird cannibal...

Chicken: I already regretting my choice

All_Lie: I am regretting that I am too tolerable to others behavior

Volcano: I regret becoming a hero


Chicken: I

Chicken: Do

Chicken: NOT

Chicken: Care

Chicken: About

Chicken: Your

Chicken: Theories

Volcano: Never asked for your opinion

Giraffe: Kids these days...


Giraffe: You read me ;)

Chicken: Damn

Volcano: I have to go

Volcano: I need to Google how to be good parent after 15 years of my son's miserable life

Chicken: Wait, what?

Volcano: What what?

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